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更新时间:2022-12-20 浏览次数:81 类型:月考试卷
  • 21. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Uncle Tim and his wife bad moved to the town where John and his parents lived. John came for a visit and he saw Oliver, their pet dog. "Why don't you make a 1 for Oliver, Aunt Melanie? He looks cold. "Aunt Melanie replied," I don't have time to make it because I have more2things to do. "John felt sad to hear this.

    That afternoon, John took Oliver for a walk. 3, there was a rain storm. John ran to take shelter (遮蔽) from the rain. Soon, he 4 Oliver wasn't with him. John was so5that he buried to search for Oliver. He looked everywhere, but couldn't find him.

    John's uncle put an advertisement in the newspaper. After all, he had spent much money on Oliver, so he didn't want to 6 him.

    A few days later, a lady replied to the advertisement in the newspaper. Since John's uncle and aunt were out on business, John was sent to 7on the dog. John was so 8because it was Oliver!" The poor dear was shaking with cold when I first found him," the lady said. "After our cat died, we decided not to keep any9. But then Oliver. . "Her voice shook. "When we saw the advertisement, for a moment we thought of not replying," her husband said sadly. "Oliver has become part of our lives."

    Finally, John thanked the couple and took Oliver home. Since then, his uncle and aunt had changed a lot. They paid much 10 to Oliver, playing with him in their spare time.

    A . meal B . coat C . gym D . language
    A . convenient B . successful C . important D . difficult
    A . Recently B . Suddenly C . Certainly D . Luckily
    A . refused B . responded C . realized D . received
    A . surprised B . worried C . bored D . lonely
    A . hide B . accept C . lose D . hurt
    A . call B . depend C . feed D . check
    A . quiet B . excited C . angry D . lovely
    A . pets B . diaries C . secrets D . jokes
    A . warning B . promise C . decision D . attention
  • 22. 阅读理解

    Tim Greenwood lives in Oakland, the USA. He has written books about Cambodia

    Thailand and India. Last month, Tim was interviewed by a travel magazine. Here is what he said during the interview.

    ◆How did you start travelling?

    I never travelled with my family. When I was a teenager, I saw movies like Lawrence of Arabia and they made me want to travel very much I left college at the age of 21 and went to Europe alone. That trip didn't go well. You know, I was too young and didn't know how to look after myself at that time.

    ◆How did you start writing?

    I've loved writing since I was ten. And since then I've never wanted any other career. At the age of 20, I wrote for the weekly college newspaper, and two years later, I started writing travel articles. At first, none of the travel magazines. That I sent them to wanted to buy them, but that slowly changed. It took two or three years, I guess.

    ◆What do you find difficult about writing?

    It is easy to spend all my time travelling, but then I may not have time to open up my laptop (笔记本电脑) and work! Also, it's hard to earn enough money. I'll never stop writing, but one day I will do a few hours' work a week like teaching just to pay the bills (账单).

    ◆What's the best thing about being a travel writer?

    I get letters from young people who've read my books and articles and enjoy my work.

    I just love that!

    1. (1) Which of the following is TRUE about Tim when he was young?
      A . He often went on trips with his parents. B . He became interested in travelling. C . He spent too much time watching TV. D . He wanted to be a movie star.
    2. (2) What did Tim think of his trip to Europe?
      A . It was not a great success for him. B . It was more interesting than his life in college. C . It left him much pain during the tip. D . It changed the way he thought about the world.
    3. (3) When did Tim start writing travel articles?
      A . At the age of ten. B . At the age of twenty. . C . At the age of twenty-one. D . At the age of twenty-two.
    4. (4) What will Tim do in the future?
      A . He plans to do some extra work. B . He plans to earn more money by writing. C . He plans to stop writing and change his job. D . He plans to read more letters from young people.
    5. (5) What's the main purpose of the passage?
      A . To introduce a travel guide to us. B . To introduce a travel writer to us. C . To introduce a travel magazine to us. D . To introduce a book about Nepal to us.
  • 23. 阅读理解

    "It's a waste of time," I said when my mom told me that I had to volunteer at Madcaps, a homeless shelter (收容所). I thought that things could not get worse.

    We got there late and walked to the dirty homeless shelter, where we saw a lady

    shouting at the security guard (保安人员). He dealt with her and then led us to the kitchen.

    Then homeless people started to walk in and a little girl, 5 years old, walked up and pointed to the food I was handing out. I handed her a cold sandwich and she nodded to say thanks. She then walked over to her parents, who were seated at a large table.

    As she walked away, I thought about how much I had. I go to one of the top schools in San Diego; I have a great house by the water, and I brave a warm meal every night.

    Then I thought of how little she had. She probably didn't go to school, and this is where she sleeps and cats every day. That little girl made me realize how lucky I am.

    After that moment, I had a change of beard. Now, I love Madcaps and don't miss one meeting. I have made many friends and I often hang out with them. I believe that if you have an open mind about things, you can learn a lot about yourself and the people in your community. You can make new friends and realize just how lucky you are. I believe you can make a difference just by giving otters a band.

    1. (1) How did the writer feel when she know she would be a volunteer?
      A . Excited B . Unhappy C . Frightened D . Relaxed.
    2. (2) Who did the 5-year-old girl come to the shelter together with?
      A . Her classmates. B . Her friends. C . Her parents. D . Her teacher.
    3. (3) How did the writer realize that she was lucky?
      A . She compared her situation with the girl's. B . Her parents told her bow poor the people in the shelter were. C . She attended the meeting about helping homeless people, D . She learned from the people in her community.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word" them" in the last paragraph refer to?
      A . Meetings. B . Friends. C . Communities. D . Meals.
    5. (5) Which sentence best describes a lesson from the story?
      A . We should listen to our parents. B . We should try to help the old around us. C . We should keep an open mind about things. D . We can sometimes complain about something in life to our friends.
  • 24. 阅读理解

    We may see some wild animals in different places in our life. They are either large or small. Here is an important rule to follow when you see a wild animal; If it's a large wild animal that you aren't in any way trained to deal with, then don't touch it, don't get close to it, and don't risk your life to take a selfie (自拍) with it. Or you may put yourself in danger. That's a lesson that I learned last week when I was visiting Yellowstone National Park.

    It was my mother's birthday last Sunday. My mother and I went to Yellowstone

    National Park to enjoy the beautiful scenery, see wild animals and relax ourselves.

    Like most young people, when I go to a famous tourist attraction, I like taking selves and sharing them with my friends online.

    While my. mother and I were walking in the park, I saw a bison (野牛). It looked really budge. I thought it must be cool to post a selfie of me standing close to it on my Facebook page. So I went close to it and turned my back on the animal to take a photo.

    While I was doing that, my mother warned me that I was too close to the animal. She was concerned about my safety. But I didn't listen to her. I kept taking selfies with the bison nearby. Suddenly, the bison ran towards me and used its head to lift me into the air and tossed me aside (向一边). I was frightened to death and thought I was going to die. I felt really regretful. How I wished I hadn't gone so close to it. Luckily, the bison didn't keep attacking me and ran away. My mother immediately came to me. Luckily,

    I wasn't badly hurt. I was just too frightened to do anything.

    After coming back, I learned that I wasn't the only one that had been attacked by a bison there.

    Therefore, I am writing his passage to tell people that we shouldn't stay very close to large wild animals. I do hope that those who read this story will avoid making the mistake that I have made.

    1. (1) The author went close to the bison because she wanted to _______.
      A . do some research on it B . watch it carefully C . take a photo with it D . help her mother catch it
    2. (2) Why was the author's mother worried?
      A . The bison might attack others. B . The bison might attack the author. C . The author might hurt the bison. D . The author might drive the bison away.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "tossed" in Paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Kept. B . Kissed. C . Threw. D . Touched.
    4. (4) After the author was attacked, she most probably, _______.
      A . was seriously hurt B . regretted having done that C . was worried about her mother D . was immediately taken to hospital
    5. (5) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . A lovely bison. B . An interesting selfie. C . An important lesson. D . A beautiful national park.
  • 25. 以下是一篇短文,请阅读全文并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使短文的意思完整、连贯。

    Everyone has their own dream. Some of the dreams are big and some of them are small. If you have a dream that seems impossible and is so big that you worry if it will come true, these steps will provide you with some help.

    Although it may seem impossible at the beginning, you must believe that you can achieve it. It's not about setting impossible goals, but about dreaming big, planning simply and starting quickly. This is how you learn to make your dreams come true.

    Tell others. One of the reasons why dreams remain dreams is that the person who has them is too afraid to share their wishes. Then they may be able to help, advise or encourage you. With their help and encouragement, you will be more confident and it will become easier for you to make your dreams come true.

    Work hard and wisely. When a lot of people question why their dreams can't come true, they are watching television, playing with their phones or lying in bed without doing anything. Therefore, you should work bard towards your dream and never give up. The small achievements that you achieve in your life will end up making a great dream come true.

    Enjoy the process (过程) every day. How to make your dreams come true is a process that you should enjoy every day.

    A Believe that it is possible.

    B. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

    C. Here are some useful suggestions for you.

    D. Have the courage to tell other people what your dreams are.

    E. However; there are others who are making many efforts to achieve their dreams.

    F. From the moment you start until the day you have achieved them, just enjoy the process

  • 26. 下面的材料A-F是六条建议,请根据下面各题中人物的情况,帮他们选择合适的建议。

    A. I think your parents are strict with you. However, in fact, they make the rules to help you study better and they actually love you deeply. You'd better talk with them and ask for some time to have fun.

    B. Why not join classes online? There is a famous website for students to learn all subjects. The name of it is Learn and Think. There are lots of excellent teachers who have free classes for students online. The website of it is www. Learn and Think. com.

    C. Tell your parents many studies show that if children watch TV too much and eat

    more unhealthy food, they will get overweight (肥胖的). Overweight children become ill more easily. Besides, watching TV too much is also bad for their eyes.

    D. It's not the only way to lose weight by eating more fruit and vegetables. You can reach your goal by taking some exercise. What about doing some sports like soccer, running or swimming? As time goes by, you can see you will be much thinner than before.

    E. Why don't you talk with your sister in person? Tell her that she should turn down the music while you are doing your homework, because it may disturb (打扰) you. Remember to tell her you love her a lot actually. I think she can forgive (原谅) you. Don't you think so?

    F. You can visit some neighbors and friends here to learn more about their festivals. You can talk about some festivals and ways to celebrate them here. They may give you much information and you can make more friends at the same time.

    My little brother usually spends a lot of time watching TV and he often eats a lot of junk food. My parents never stop him. In fact, they are bad for him. What should I do?

    I'm Linda. I moved from America to Mexico with my family last month. The next Sunday is Mother's Day. I want to know how people here celebrate this special festival.

    I am Lily, My little sister danced to the music while I was doing my homework yesterday evening. I couldn't pay attention to my homework. So I fought with her. Now she doesn't talk with me. What can I do?

    I am Tina in Grade Nine now. I am good at English but my physics is not very good. I find it really difficult to learn this subject: I want to get good grades in my physics. What should I do?

    There are a lot of rules in my family. For example, I must get up at a quarter to six in the morning. I have to read a book before I go to bed every day. I never have fun.

  • 27. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。

    Do you know the big rose garden in Sanya? It (set) up by Yang Ying many years ago.

    Before leaving for Beijing for the annual two sessions (两会), Yang Ying was still busy (teach) farmers how to grow roses better.

    Yang, A46, has been working hard for rural vitalization (乡村振兴) in Sanya, Hainan

    almost 16 years. Over the years, Yang has tried her best (help) many' villagers to become rich.

    In 2006, Yang (take) a trip to Hainan where she saw the potential for a rose garden. Then she started (she) plan in Hainan.

    However, nobody can succeed easily. Planting roses there was not as easy as she had thought In the beginning, the roses didn't grow well and soon died in groups. did that happen? To find out reason, Yang took all kinds of tests. Finally, she found that the soil there included much salt.

    Yang then worked with others to improve the soil. After two years of hard work, she planted nice roses (successful) in Hainan.

    In 2009, Yang rented a big piece of land in the villages of Bohou and Liupan in Sanya, so that she could build a very big rose garden. Bohou village used to be poor, now the beautiful roses have brought the villagers hope.

  • 38. 假设你是李明,你校英文报正在举办主题为"The great man in my hear"的征文活动。请你用英语写一篇短文,介绍英国数学家-阿兰变席森图灵(Alan Mathison Turing). 内容包括:


    1912- 1954




    1. 出生于伦敦,是家里的第二个孩子,从小就显示天赋;

    2. 1931-1934在剑桥大学国王学院(King's College, Cambridge)学习,主修数学:

    3. 他是第一批参加研制第一台计算机的工作人员之一,1936 年发明了图灵机(Turing machine)




    数学家mathematician研制work on主修major in贡献make a contribution

    The great man in my heart

    Hi, everyone. Today I'd like 10 introduce the great man in my heart-Alan Mathison Turing to you.

