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  • 1. (2022九上·深圳月考) 阅读理解

    "It's a waste of time," I said when my mom told me that I had to volunteer at Madcaps, a homeless shelter (收容所). I thought that things could not get worse.

    We got there late and walked to the dirty homeless shelter, where we saw a lady

    shouting at the security guard (保安人员). He dealt with her and then led us to the kitchen.

    Then homeless people started to walk in and a little girl, 5 years old, walked up and pointed to the food I was handing out. I handed her a cold sandwich and she nodded to say thanks. She then walked over to her parents, who were seated at a large table.

    As she walked away, I thought about how much I had. I go to one of the top schools in San Diego; I have a great house by the water, and I brave a warm meal every night.

    Then I thought of how little she had. She probably didn't go to school, and this is where she sleeps and cats every day. That little girl made me realize how lucky I am.

    After that moment, I had a change of beard. Now, I love Madcaps and don't miss one meeting. I have made many friends and I often hang out with them. I believe that if you have an open mind about things, you can learn a lot about yourself and the people in your community. You can make new friends and realize just how lucky you are. I believe you can make a difference just by giving otters a band.

    1. (1) How did the writer feel when she know she would be a volunteer?
      A . Excited B . Unhappy C . Frightened D . Relaxed.
    2. (2) Who did the 5-year-old girl come to the shelter together with?
      A . Her classmates. B . Her friends. C . Her parents. D . Her teacher.
    3. (3) How did the writer realize that she was lucky?
      A . She compared her situation with the girl's. B . Her parents told her bow poor the people in the shelter were. C . She attended the meeting about helping homeless people, D . She learned from the people in her community.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word" them" in the last paragraph refer to?
      A . Meetings. B . Friends. C . Communities. D . Meals.
    5. (5) Which sentence best describes a lesson from the story?
      A . We should listen to our parents. B . We should try to help the old around us. C . We should keep an open mind about things. D . We can sometimes complain about something in life to our friends.
