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  • 1. (2022九上·深圳月考) 以下是一篇短文,请阅读全文并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使短文的意思完整、连贯。

    Everyone has their own dream. Some of the dreams are big and some of them are small. If you have a dream that seems impossible and is so big that you worry if it will come true, these steps will provide you with some help.

    Although it may seem impossible at the beginning, you must believe that you can achieve it. It's not about setting impossible goals, but about dreaming big, planning simply and starting quickly. This is how you learn to make your dreams come true.

    Tell others. One of the reasons why dreams remain dreams is that the person who has them is too afraid to share their wishes. Then they may be able to help, advise or encourage you. With their help and encouragement, you will be more confident and it will become easier for you to make your dreams come true.

    Work hard and wisely. When a lot of people question why their dreams can't come true, they are watching television, playing with their phones or lying in bed without doing anything. Therefore, you should work bard towards your dream and never give up. The small achievements that you achieve in your life will end up making a great dream come true.

    Enjoy the process (过程) every day. How to make your dreams come true is a process that you should enjoy every day.

    A Believe that it is possible.

    B. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

    C. Here are some useful suggestions for you.

    D. Have the courage to tell other people what your dreams are.

    E. However; there are others who are making many efforts to achieve their dreams.

    F. From the moment you start until the day you have achieved them, just enjoy the process
