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  • 1. (2022七上·淮安经济技术开发月考) 任务型阅读( 每小题答案不超过6个词)

    In Thailand(泰国),there are many elephants. They are very useful. They can carry heavy things so they can help people do a lot of hard work. And they are very clever. They can act and dance. Sometimes they can play with people. Many people go to Thailand to have fun with the elephants. It's very interesting.

    But do you know there is a festival for the elephants in Thailand? It is called Elephant Day. It comes at the third weekend of November. On that day, the elephants don't work or act. They can have a good rest. People give them much good food like fruit and vegetables. People also have some activities for them. On that day, the elephants can wear colourful clothes and eat nice food. They enjoy themselves a lot then.

    1. (1) In which country are there many elephants?
    2. (2) When is Elephant Day?
    3. (3) Do elephants work on Elephant Day?
    4. (4) What food can elephants get on Elephant Day?
    5. (5) What do you think of Elephant Day?
