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  • 1. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳选项。


    What we need:

    l  Olive oil

    l  2 large garlic cloves(蒜瓣)

    l  1 kg of tomatoes

    l  Salt and pepper(胡椒粉)

    l  Coriander(香菜)

    How to make it:

    l  Cut the garlic and tomatoes into small pieces.

    l  Put some olive oil in a pot.

    l  Add the garlic and tomatoes. Fry(炒) for about 5 minutes. Put in 150 ml of water and bring it to the boil(沸点).

    l  Add some salt and pepper.

    l  After 10 minutes, purée(打成泥) in a blender until the soup gets thick enough.

    l  Pour the soup into a bowl and put some coriander in it.

    l  Add some small pieces of cheese.

    Just enjoy your delicious tomato soup!

    1. (1) To make tomato soup, you should first __________.
      A . boil some water B . add some salt to the pot C . fry some pieces of garlic D . cut the tomatoes into small pieces
    2. (2) Which of the following won't be useful for making tomato soup?
      A . B . C . D .
    3. (3) The material is probably from a (n) __________.
      A . storybook B . TV guide C . food magazine D . English dictionary
