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  • 1. (2022八上·庆元开学考) 阅读理解

    Beijing is the first city to hold both the summer and winter games. There are several winter sports and let's learn some of them

    Figure skating (花样滑冰)

    It started in Britain in the 18th century. In a pair event, skaters show lots of amazing movements along with nice music. It looks as if they are dancing on ice. Its beauty makes people fall in love with it and enjoy it.


    Under the sport of skiing, it started in America in the 1990s. The players have to show their skiing and the and race down the snow-covered hill as fast as possible.

    Ice hockey冰球

    It is a flexible(灵活的) and fast team spot. It draws big crowds at the Winter Olympic. The men's ice hockey has been on the program since 1924 and the women's started in 1998. Each match has three 20-minute parts with two I5-minute breaks.


    It is the fastest of the three sliding(滑行)

    Sports (bobsleigh, luge and skeleton) in this event, Inside the stadium, the rider lies on the back on a tiny luge and races down at the speed of about 140 km/h.

    1. (1) This text probably comes from the        part of a newspaper
      A . Health B . Travel C . Sports D . Science
    2. (2) From the text, we know        _is the most enjoyable among the four winter sports
      A . figure skating B . snowboarding C . ice hockey D . luge
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
      A . Figure skating first appeared in America. B . A player shows skiing skills in Snowboarding C . The women's ice hockey started in 1924. D . Luge is the most dangerous outdoor winter sport.
