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  • 1. (2023高三下·定远开学考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    It was the first week of the summer vacation, and Parisa was already ready to be back at school. Not everyone she knew liked school, but Parisa loved learning new things. Even more than that, she loved school because she got to be with her friends all day long. Parisa was an only child, and she thought it was too. quiet. at home.

    Now her two best fiends in the neighborhood were out of town for two weeks and to Parisa, it seemed like two years. What would she do? Sitting on the wide front step of her house, she looked through her favorite kid magazine. The word "competition" caught her eye. "Create Your Own Magazine! "the headline read.

    Parisa loved magazines, but it had never occurred to her that she could create one herself. The article said competitors must send in an eight-page magazine with handwritten articles and hand drawn pictures——nothing was printed by computer.

    Parisa returned to her room and lay down on the floor next to her cat. This was what she did whenever she-needed to think of really good ideas. She closed her eyes and imagined all sorts of magazines. She imagined magazines about bikes, skating, ballet; soccer, dessert.. But after much thought, she knew what she wanted to feature (以……为特色) in her magazine——her neighborhood, for there were always interesting things. She would call it "The Tall Pines Gazette (报纸)"and fill it with news.

    She found a notebook and a pen and left her room. Then she found her grandmother at the door and told her about the competition. "Granny, I'm going to be a reporter for a while, "Parisa said. "I'm going to see if there's any news. "Her grandmother smiled, "Well, good luck, honey. You do like asking questions, so I bet you won't have too much trouble finding news. "Two hours later, Parisa ran into the house. "Granny, I've got so much news that I can't fit it into eight pages! "



    Parisa got down to working on her magazine.

    A few weeks later, Parisa receive a package from the kid magazine.
