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更新时间:2023-03-07 浏览次数:109 类型:二轮复习
  • 1. (2023高三下·重庆开学考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。


    1)续写词数应为 150 左右;


    I was backpacking in Panama over Christmas in 2018, and planned to climb Volcán Barú. It is one of the only places on earth from where you can see the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans at the same time.

    I set off before sunrise. It was a bit cold, so I had pulled on leggings under my trousers. I've always felt safe travelling as a solo (单独) woman. I love the freedom. When I got to the base at 7 am, the ranger (护林员) was unwilling to let me go alone, but relented (缓和) because an American couple were behind me.

    The first part of the climb was beautiful. I walked for an hour and had reached a fair height. The views were impressive, so I stopped to take a photograph. Suddenly I heard violent barking behind me.

    I turned and saw two dogs running aggressively towards me. I could see their teeth looked sharp, and they looked angry. There was nowhere for me to run. I tried to keep calm, but my heart was racing. They stopped a dozen feet from where I stood and kept barking. I knew they could move fast, so I didn't want to try to outrun them.

    I kept walking, saying, "Good dog, calm down, " as evenly as possible. But I was terrified. Then one dashed up and sunk his teeth into my leg below the knee. I was shocked. He held on for a few seconds. The pain took my breath away as I felt his fangs (犬牙) in my flesh. I considered bending down to get a rock to fight him off, but was nervous in case he went for my neck or the other one launched at me.

    I tried to keep walking, and he finally let go. Then he was behind me, growling (嗥叫). I kept going, my body shaking, until after about 15 minutes I was out of their sight.

    When I thought it was safe, I stopped.

    A pickup truck appeared, driven by the ranger.

  • 2. (2023高三下·扬州开学考) 阅读下面材料,根据共内容和所给段落汗头语续写两段,使之构成一篇究整的短文。

    I was twenty then, teaching a class of thirty students in Toronto including Mike, a 10-year-old street kid. Having lost his father and mother, he lived with a mentally-disturbed grandmother.

    He was always hungry, so each day I'd take him for breakfast before class. Each noon after I shared my lunch with him, I taught him new skills—using a microscope, constructing a camera etc.

    One day Mike told me of his dream. Most kids in the class wanted to be doctors, teachers or some such thing, but not Mike! His desire was to be a gangster(强盗)!And he was serious about it.

    I believed all children had a gift for what he wanted to be. If he wanted to be a gangster, I'd do all I could to help him become the very best "gangster".

    I had a plan. Every Saturday after we had breakfast, I took him to the Law Library of the city. I explained to him a good gangster had to know something about criminal law, and reading up on law was the only way to learn. His young mind was interested, and he dove in.

    That was how we spent each Saturday morning that year. I'd drop him off at the law library. Three hours later, I'd return, pick him up for lunch and after a review of his morning's work, take him home.

    The following year I taught in another school far away, which prevented me continuing to participate physically with him on Saturday mornings. But I provided him with public transportation tickets so he could keep up his regular study at the library.

    Later I got married and moved to London. Sadly, and to my great regret, I lost contact with Mike.

    Years passed. I often thought of him, wondering what had become of him. Then, one day, I was back in Toronto on business, looking up the number of a former colleague in the telephone directory, and there, Mike's name as part of a title of "JUDGES and LAWYERS" danced off the page into my eyes.




    I wondered, "Could it be him?"

    When we were able to get together, he told me his road to the law.

  • 3. (2023高三下·定远开学考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    It was the first week of the summer vacation, and Parisa was already ready to be back at school. Not everyone she knew liked school, but Parisa loved learning new things. Even more than that, she loved school because she got to be with her friends all day long. Parisa was an only child, and she thought it was too. quiet. at home.

    Now her two best fiends in the neighborhood were out of town for two weeks and to Parisa, it seemed like two years. What would she do? Sitting on the wide front step of her house, she looked through her favorite kid magazine. The word "competition" caught her eye. "Create Your Own Magazine! "the headline read.

    Parisa loved magazines, but it had never occurred to her that she could create one herself. The article said competitors must send in an eight-page magazine with handwritten articles and hand drawn pictures——nothing was printed by computer.

    Parisa returned to her room and lay down on the floor next to her cat. This was what she did whenever she-needed to think of really good ideas. She closed her eyes and imagined all sorts of magazines. She imagined magazines about bikes, skating, ballet; soccer, dessert.. But after much thought, she knew what she wanted to feature (以……为特色) in her magazine——her neighborhood, for there were always interesting things. She would call it "The Tall Pines Gazette (报纸)"and fill it with news.

    She found a notebook and a pen and left her room. Then she found her grandmother at the door and told her about the competition. "Granny, I'm going to be a reporter for a while, "Parisa said. "I'm going to see if there's any news. "Her grandmother smiled, "Well, good luck, honey. You do like asking questions, so I bet you won't have too much trouble finding news. "Two hours later, Parisa ran into the house. "Granny, I've got so much news that I can't fit it into eight pages! "



    Parisa got down to working on her magazine.

    A few weeks later, Parisa receive a package from the kid magazine.

  • 4. (2023高三下·肥东开学考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Marathons are not for the faint of heart, nor the faint of lungs. You might think you're up for it, but then your lungs will remind you halfway through that this might be too much. I have a ton of respect for people who do compete in them. Make sure you stretch a lot before you do one! This story though, is about someone who could have finished the race sooner but chose not to.

    There are people who are well in-shape to run a marathon, and marines (海军陆战队士兵) are definitely some of those people. Military training is some of the toughest out there. They'll make you do push up (俯卧撑) after push up, course after course, and they'll make you do it regularly. A marine is thus well-prepared to run something like a marathon race.

    Myles Kerr was a 19-year-old marine who joined in a 5-kilometre marathon. As the name implies, a 5-kilometre marathon is 5 kilometers of running you have to do. And 5 kilometers is a lot to run on foot. It is definitely not a distance you should attempt without a lot of preparation and training. Myles, thanks to his training, was even able to wear boots while he ran.

    While Myles and the other marines with him could handle this just fine, one other runner couldn't. It was 9-year-old Brandon Fuchs. The boy joined in the race as part of a group. However, he got separated from the group as the race progressed. He was now quite far behind and struggling to finish the race.

    Brandon is just 9 years old, but he is fond of sports. He always sits in front of TV watching matches of all kinds of sports, especially matches concerning running. He ever participated in some kinds of running races, which made him even more interested in sports. When he knew a short-distanced marathon was to be held in his city, he signed up for it without hesitation.




    It just happened that the boy caught sight of Myles.


    Seeing Myles run together with Brandon, people felt confused.

  • 5. (2023高三下·镇江开学考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Emily White came to the world 17 years ago, with so many birth problems in her body. Some of her organs, bones and muscles were out of shape. No one expected her to survive long. She did make it but with her strange body figure, everyone could recognize her, even from a distance.

    In her hometown, a yearly outdoor performance was held in the school auditorium (礼堂). It had been performed for so many years and actually had become one of the most important events of the Christmas season for many of the town's people.

    Many people tried out each year for it, but so many were turned away. It can only include the most excellent people in the field.

    Emily had a beautiful singing voice. Last year she went to Mrs. Owens-her music teacher-to ask to join in the performance. Without letting her sing, Mrs. Owens took a glance at Emily's body and said, "Child, you are just not suitable. Everyone would stare at you and that would make you uncomfortable. It would make them uncomfortable, too."

    Without singing a single note, Emily was sent back through the door of the choral (合唱的) room. Hurt and upset, she decided never to try out again. But Mrs. Owens then retired.

    This year, there came a new music teacher, Mr. Butler. He heard about Emily and suggested that she have a try.

    Emily didn't want to be rejected again, so she hesitated about it. As Emily struggled, the door was pushed open and Mr. Butler called, "Emily, you're next." Kind of nervous as she was, Emily did as Mr. Butler told her to. Mr. Butler sat by the piano to keep Emily company. When Emily finished her testing performance, she thanked Mr. Butler and knew the result would be posted on the door of the choral room the next day.

    Emily couldn't sleep that night. She tossed and turned in bed one thousand times. She was suffering from the feelings that she didn't fit and the great need to be accepted. By the next morning, her stomach was even in pain due to stress.




    Emily hurried to school and anxiously glanced at the list on the door of the choral room.

    Finally, the day for the performance came._

  • 6. (2023高三上·清远期末) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Lucy Marlow had everything an eleven-year-old girl could possibly want except one thing: a pair of pink leather roller skates (旱冰鞋). Unfortunately, the skates cost over $1, 700. Even though Lucy's parents were very indulgent (纵容的), they thought it was too much for a toy. "It's not a toy!" Lucy cried. "It's transportation!" Lucy's parents gave in and promised that she could have them only if she had straight A on her report card.

    Soon at the end of the term, Lucy proudly presented her parents with the straight—A re-port card they'd demanded, and the next weekend, Lucy was whizzing (飞速行驶)around the neighborhood faster than anyone else with her new skates.

    Then one day when Lucy went to school, she was surprised to discover there was a new girl in her class. She was sitting at the desk next to Lucy in geography and she looked very friendly.

    "Hi! I'm Lucy, "Lucy whispered. "Want to go roller skating after school?" "Hi! My name is Heather. But I'm afraid I can't!" Heather said.

    "Listen, if you don't have skates, you can use my old ones, "Lucy said. "I have a brand new pair…"

    The bell rang,  Heather reached to pick up a pair of crutches (拐杖)under the desk and got up. Lucy was shocked to find one of her legs was missing above the knee. She gasped, "Oh, I'm so sorry! What happened?" Heather shrugged, "It was a car accident."

    That night, Lucy couldn't sleep. She got up and turned on her laptop. There were all kinds of prosthetic limbs (假肢)for kids. Lucy wondered why Heather didn't have one.

    The next day, over lunch, Lucy asked Heather, "So, how come you don't have a prosthetic limb?" Heather blushed. "I had one, three years ago, after the accident, "she explained. "But I outgrew it. My dad lost his job so we don't have insurance anymore. We've contacted a non-profit that helps kids like me, but I'm on a waiting list…"Hearing her words, Lucy fell into a short silence, remembering how she pressured her parents into buying her the pink skates.




    Then looking at Heather, Lucy had an idea.


    The next day, Lucy and her parents contacted the school principal.

  • 7. (2023高三上·肇东期末) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    They'd been planning this forever. From her birth, most likely. Mya's mother, Helena loved hosting parties. And Aunt Beatrice loved birthdays. Together, they'd make her Sweet Sixteen a hundred times bigger, bolder, and brighter than it needed to be. They selected a theme every year and stuck to it. Her fourteenth had been the "Snow White'" and her ninth had been the "Frozen". They never told her what the theme was the day before. She'd just wake up her birthday morning, a brand new birthday outfit (一套服装)laid neatly on her dresser (an outfit related to the theme, of course) and she would open her door to see the adventure that lay ahead of her that day.

    Mya had a few guesses as to what this year's theme would be. A play on the words "Sweet Sixteen" was likely — a candy themed party, perhaps? But she'd had a baking party a few years ago and Helena was anything but repetitive. Mya didn't have any interest in cars, so she doubted a sports-car party was on the menu. She'd tried to look through her mother's purchase history online, but her mother had been careful enough to delete everything recent. So the only clue left was the birthday outfit she would receive the next morning.

    May 1st, Mya woke. The bright sunlight begged her eyes to open and she loved the day that her birthday took place. It was always nice out on May 1st and it never rained. This morning was no different than her previous birthdays. She sat up in her bed and looked to her dresser before slipping out of bed and inspecting the outfit. She unfolded it and held it against her body, seeing how it was like. It reached down, just above the ankle. Mya dressed, eyed herself in the mirror and found it was not so much a pretty outfit as she had received before. It was totally one for blue-collar workers!


    1)续写词数为 150 左右;


    Paragraph 1

    Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a knock.

    Paragraph 2

    With everything done, her face shone with a sweet smile.

  • 8. (2023高三上·崂山期末) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I was always a big fan of football, and watching a game at the stadium was obviously one of the best ways to be free from work and relax. Therefore, as soon as I heard the news that there would be a game of our home team against the team from Mississippi, I booked a front-row seat, excited about having a fantastic weekend I was excited when I sat in the stadium.

    When the game began, however, I discovered that I was sitting directly in front of a Super-lungs. He seemed like a nice guy. But his idea of having fun at a football game was obviously nothing like mine,or most well-behaved football fans'. He yelled (大喊) non-stop as loud as he could. He yelled at the coaches, the players, the officials and the Mississippi State fans. Always at the top of his lungs.

    The Super-lungs made an surprising performance and kept it for us for the entire 90 minutes and never showed any sign of tiredness. He was caught up in his own world so he failed to notice he was ruining (破坏) hundreds of others' experience of watching the game.

    I felt that my ear drums (耳鼓) almost got broken. His mouth was only two feet away from my ears. For a while I thought of shouting back and stopping him yelling. People around were turning to look at him, and I could read their thoughts: "Is he never going to stop?" And he seemed not to see those looks.

    At halftime I escaped by walking for a few minutes outside the stadium. I was thinking of finding an empty seat in another part of the stadium. However, to my disappointment, the seats were all taken. I had no choice but to go back to the Super-lungs. When returning to my seat, I missed my steps and fell heavily on the stairs. As I was struggling (挣扎) to stand up, a pair of huge hands helped me from behind.




    I looked back and saw the Super-lungs' smiling face and concerned eyes.

    The Super-lungs kept shouting for another 90 minutes.

  • 9. (2023高三上·福建期末) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Jimmy Gilleece owns a bar in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. He is a person who knew how to lend a hand, but what people around him did not know was that this man was also capable of going the extra mile just to help someone in need.

    It was a regular day at his bar, which turned out to be a day that would change his life forever. He found out that one of his customers had lost her wallet at the bar, and inside it was a precious thing: the lady's wedding ring.

    Jimmy instantly recognized the woman's panic. She wanted to get her wedding ring back. She was crazy, really upset about it. And so, the bar owner made sure to provide whatever help he could to find the woman's ring. He even made it his mission to find the woman's wedding ring.

    Then Jimmy's mission began. In order to find out what exactly happened, Jimmy started a thorough scan of the security cameras in his establishment. He watched three hours' worth of security footage from six cameras, scanning every detail and closely analyzing what happened that led to the loss of the woman's wallet.

    In one of the recorded clips(片段), Jimmy finally saw that the woman lost her wallet on a bench outside the bar, with a suspicious man walking nearby. A few moments later, the man approached the bench and took the woman's wallet.

    So searching for the thief was Jimmy's next move. It was not enough for Jimmy to find out what happened to the lost wallet. Now that he had an image of the thief, the bar owner made it his next mission to search for the guy and get the wallet back from him.

    Jimmy figured out who the guy was and made him admit what he did to the wallet. The thief admitted that he took the cash and dropped the wallet into an ocean channel. At this point, most people would probably stop and regretfully tell the lady that the wallet couldn't be found anymore.




    But Jimmy was not like most people.

    And indeed, Jimmy also extended help not only to the woman but also to the thief who took the wallet.

  • 10. (2023高三上·山西期末) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Sally had been playing football all summer. She really enjoyed running after the black and white ball across the grassy field with the other players in her bright orange uniform.

    Before each game, they had a practice session. The coach showed her and her team how to pass the ball to each other and take shots at the goal. She was pretty good at passing the ball, but every time she got a chance to kick the ball to the goal, it would be stopped by a player from the other team or be caught by the goalkeeper. Now the football season was almost over and she still had not scored one single goal. She really felt discouraged and wondered if she should quit football and join a different club.

    "After all, I am a girl. I was not born for such a rough game, "Sally told herself." I will try another club." She even daydreamed that she was a member of the hip hop club and she was dancing on stage in a big auditorium with thousands of people cheering for her. She also thought about joining a different sport, like jogging or cycling. Anyway, football would be her last choice.

    "Don't give up. No one is born for the game. Use your advantage," the coach said after Sally told him her doubt during a break between the sessions. "Most important of all, believe yourself. You can do it. "

    Sally was not totally convinced but she did want to have a try. When the break was over, the coach blew his whistle to start the game again. The two teams walked back onto the field, both determined to win. Sally bent down to tie up her shoes and repeated what the coach had said in her mind. "Use your advantage. Believe yourself. You can do it. "




    Sally stood up and took a deep breath.

    As the game was drawing to an end, the scores were in a tie.

