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  • 1. (2023高二下·青龙开学考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    One warm, sunny morning, Marsha jumped right out of bed.

    Today was the first day of summer vacation and also the last day she'd be spending with Tanya, her very best friend. Tanya was going to camp in another state. She'd be gone all summer. Marsha and Tanya always spent their summers together. This one would be no fun without her!

    Marsha's mom came in." What's the matter, Rabbit?" she said.

    "I miss Tanya already. Isn't that silly?" Marsha said.

    "No," her mother said softly." Missing a best friend isn't silly at all." Marsha's eyes were wet.

    "I know how you feel." "You do?" asked Marsha. Marsha's mom nodded." I had a best friend when I was your age. And she went away to camp, too." "I felt pretty sad," Marsha's mom said. "I wanted my best friend to think about me. So I gave her something." "What?" asked Marsha." I gave her my best necklace," her mom said.

    "You did?" asked Marsha." Well, I wanted her to have it," Marsha's mom said," Maybe you could give Tanya one of your favorite things to take to camp. How about a doll? Then she will never forget that you are her best friend." Marsha wiped her eyes." Mom, that's a great idea!" she said.

    "Are you going to give Tanya your Glenda Glitter doll?" said Marsha's mom." Yes, Mom," she said." This is the one I want her to have. But now I'm going to get Glenda all nice and clean." Soon, Glenda Glitter looked just like new.

    Next it was time to dress the doll. Marsha ran to her room. In a flash she was back. Her hands were full of doll's dresses. "This is the one I like best," she said." And I know Tanya likes it best, too."

    "Let's see. I think I can fix this little rip(口子)." Marsha's mom was good at fixing things. The doll dress soon looked good as new.

    "Look, Mom!" she said. "Glenda looks beautiful."

    "You know, Kitten," said Marsha's mom, "Tanya will like this present so much." "Tanya will be leaving soon," she said." We better hurry up." Marsha and her mom walked over to Tanya's house. They rang the bell.



    Marsha hid the doll behind her back.


    Tanya and Marsha put their presents in each other's hands.
