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  • 1. (2023·南山模拟) 完形填空

    In times of distress(悲伤), a friend would always suggest going for a walk. "Are you troubled by your work? Take a 1 around the neighborhood. " 2 like this are often made with nothing but the best of intentions, but they used to make me 3 as much as being told to drink more water. I did not understand how these things were going to help.

    Three years ago, I hit a low point. Once I saw a pair of empty eyes looking at me through the mirror, I knew I was at my breaking point(极限). So, I took the advice. I went for a walk—with the 4 that it would somehow change my life.

    I embraced(拥抱)the fresh air everyone seemed to be talking about. But I was just as sad as I was before. I went on a walk every single day for more than a month. Some days I could hardly make it outside, but I 5 to push through. I took a picture every time I went. I think I was trying to make an effort.

    One day, the 6 thing happened. I found myself smiling. I realized I had 7 waited all morning to go on this walk. What I once hated had become the best part of my day. I found myself 8 to be outside. I just danced along the trails(小路), stopped to look at the beautiful blue skies and listened to music.

    I'm glad I took pictures because there was a noticeable difference in my face. I slowly started to look less tired. I don't know why I 9 to go on that walk for so long. I guess I didn't want to believe that something small and seemingly meaningless could actually 10 my physical and mental health.

    If you're having a bad day, a bad month, a bad year or even a bad life, you should try going for a walk. Sometimes, all we need to do is try.

    A . look B . walk C . talk D . rest
    A . orders B . complaints C . conversations D . suggestions
    A . angry B . happy C . surprised D . lucky
    A . decision B . ambition C . opinion D . hope
    A . told B . managed C . ordered D . supported
    A . unthinkable B . unhelpful C . unhappy D . uncertain
    A . secretly B . strictly C . comfortably D . patiently
    A . unwilling B . upset C . nervous D . eager
    A . refused B . accepted C . decided D . demanded
    A . leave an impression on B . make a difference to C . do harm to D . cause damage to
