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  • 1. (2023·南山模拟) 阅读理解

    On the way to a delivery destination, Huang Zhineng, carried a big backpack walking fast, while Huang Shaoli, kept up with his son and whispered him to be careful.

    The father and son, different from other deliverymen, will always complete an order together. Huang Zhineng was diagnosed(诊断)with autism(自闭症)when he was 2 years old. This diagnosis made Huang's mother cry for three days. "None of us had an idea how to deal with his disorder," Huang Shaoli said. "However, the thing happened, and we had to face it. " Afterward, the couple took their son to receive training in a center for special children for years. "When I first heard him say a sentence: ‘Dad, hug me,' I just stood there, full of surprise. I hugged him back tightly with tears when he opened his arms. "

    Since 2016, when Huang Shaoli became a part-time deliveryman in Shenzhen, he has taken his son with him for every delivery. Huang's now 16-year-old son has completed nearly 3,000 deliveries with him and his wife in six years. According to Huang Shaoli, sending deliveries provides his son a chance to go out and communicate with the clients(客户). "And we can earn a living from the job," he said. In addition, he hoped that the deliveries could help deal with his son's condition as well as relieve(缓解)his anxiety for his son's future.

    At about 3 p. m. Saturday, they dressed well in their uniforms and were ready to set out for deliveries from their home at Luhu Community in Longhua District. "My favorite buses are those with bus numbers starting with K or M, because those buses are fast, and they can drive on expressways. I also like taking Metro lines 10 and 14," Huang Zhineng said, He enjoys listening to blowing wind sounds and viewing the scenes from the buses.

    When they received an order at about 5 p. m. , Huang Zhineng realized that the route was complicated(复杂). He hardly walks the wrong way, and his father said that his son keeps a public transport map in his mind, remembering almost every bus and Metro route. After nearly an hour, the father and son delivered the cake to the client. The father said, "Zhineng can communicate with shop assistants and clients smoothly, few of them would detect he is different. "

    "My only wish to my kid is that he can live independently. I cannot accompany him all the time," Huang Shaoli said with hope.

    1. (1) According to the article, what happened to the family?
      A . The father lost his job and had to be a deliveryman. B . The son had autism when he was 2 years old. C . The son can't speak like normal people. D . The mother had a very serious illness.
    2. (2) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
      A . The parents knew well about how to deal with their son's disorder. B . The son has completed nearly 4,000 deliveries with his parents in 6 years. C . The son is very familiar with the public transport. D . The son can deliver things to the clients very fast with the help of a map in his hand.
    3. (3) Which is NOT the reason why Huang Shaoli takes his son with him for delivery?
      A . Huang Zhineng can communicate with clients smoothly. B . Sending deliveries provides his son a chance to go out and communicate with others. C . They can earn a living from the job. D . He hoped the deliveries could help deal with his son's condition.
    4. (4) Which is the best way to divide the passage?
      A . ①/②/③④⑤/⑥ B . ①②/③④/⑤⑥ C . ①②③/④⑤/⑥ D . ①/②③④/⑤⑥
    5. (5) Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
      A . Being a deliveryman helps cure diseases B . A great father as a deliveryman C . Boy with autism delivers 3,000 orders in 6 years D . The best way to relieve anxiety
