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  • 1. (2023七下·鄞州期中) 阅读理解

    Swimming is a fun sport in summer for children. In summer, a lot of parents love to take their children to go swimming. They usually go to swimming pools. A swimming pool is a place for fun, but it is also a dangerous place for children. If parents don't look after their children well, there may be an accident.

    To keep children safe(安全的), here are some good ideas for parents. First, don't leave children in the pool by themselves. Parents always need to be with them. Leaving children by themselves in the water even for a minute may bring them an accident. Second, make sure that children can't open the door of the swimming pool. Never leave the door open if there are only children, or children may run out from the swimming pool. Also, parents should know some life-saving skills(救生技能). Then they can help to save their children if the children are in danger.

    1. (1) The writer thinks a swimming pool is ____________ for children.
      A . an interesting and safe place B . an interesting but dirty place C . an interesting and clean place D . an interesting but dangerous place
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "accident" in Para. 1 mean in Chinese ?
      A . 惊喜 B . 争论 C . 事故 D . 挑战
    3. (3) The passage is mainly for _______ to read.
      A . parents B . children C . teachers D . doctors
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly want to tell us ?
      A . How to teach children to swim well. B . Why children can't swim by themselves. C . How to keep children safe when swimming. D . Where to spend summer holidays for children.
