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  • 1. (2023八下·诸暨期中) 请选出合适的选项,其中有一项为多余。

    Everyone sometimes gets angry. Bur staying angry is not good for your health. And it doesn't really solve much, either. You must calm yourself down. Of course, sometimes angry feelings can be difficult to deal with, so learning some ways is necessary. Here is some advice for you Keeping your feelings inside may make things worse. Putting your angry feelings into words can make you relax. Your parents and your best friends are your best listeners. They may give you some good advice. So learn to share your bad feelings with others.

    When you pay attention to your exercise, you will forget about your problems. After exercising, you are too tired to think about anything else.

    When you become angry with another person you should tell the person: what makes you feel so angry. Only in this way, can you completely work out your anger and get through it.

    When you feel that you can't control yourself, you can just say. "I want to be alone for a few minutes so that I can make myself cool." Maybe he will understand you and leave you space.

    If you live each day as if (好像) it were your last day, you will realize that life is too short to get angry over small things. If you are angry all the time, you are wasting time.

    A. Before you argue with someone, try to keep cool.

    B. You should learn how to express yourself.

    C. Having a great meal is also a good way.

    D. When you argue with someone, Just talk to him/her.

    E. You shouldn't stay angry all the time.

    F. Getting lots of exercise is often helpful.
