当前位置: 初中英语 /
  • 1. (2023·河东模拟) 根据对话的内容, 从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整(选项中有两项是多余的)。

    A: How is your school life this term?

    B: Sill busy but more wonderful and relaxing.

    A: Really?

    B: Because we have different kinds of clubs.

    A: Good.

    B: We have a poem club, a sports club, a dancing club. . . Ah

    A: Fantastic!Which club are you in?


    A: Oh?Why didn't you join the dancing club?

    B: Yes. But I am practising it at a dancing school on Sunday afternoon.

    A: I see. You have a colorful life in and out of school.

    B: Oh, I'm running out of time. Bye for now!

    A: See you!

    A. Aren't you good at breakdancing?

    B. I don't think so.

    C. Why?

    D. When do you go to a breakdancing club?

    E. The poem club.

    F. I think so.

    G. What clubs do you have?
