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  • 1. (2023·锡山模拟) 阅读理解

    ChatGPT, a powerful AI (artificial intelligence人工智能) chatbot tool, has swept the world in the past few months. The tool is an AI chatbot system that was created by OpenAI company in America and went public in November 2022. ChatGPT can remember the topic of your conversation, answer your questions and write stories and any other written texts you can think of. It gets its answers from a great deal of information on the Internet.

    You can ask ChatGPT anything, like explaining physics, asking for birthday party ideas and getting programming (编程) help. Perhaps it's not smart enough to complete everything humans can do yet, but it can be creative, and its answers can sound completely correct. A few days after its coming, more than 1 million people were trying out ChatGPT. It is reported that ChatGPT reached 100 million users in 2 months, while it took TikTok about 9 months to reach 100 million users and Instagram spend two and a half years reaching it.

    ChatGPT is free to use at the moment because it is still in its research process (过程). But when too many people flood onto the server (服务器), it is crowded with too many users and can't deal with your needs. It just means you should try visiting the website at a later time when fewer people are trying to enter it. If you wouldn't like to wait, there is a good choice for you. Up to February, 2023, OpenAI has another product, ChatGPT Plus, which allows users to join the server quickly even during the rush hour of Network. This service does come at a cost of $20 per month.

    However, Google has an advantage over ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence robot that can solve your problems, while Google is a search engine, and on it you can search for as much information as possible. ChatGPT has fixed knowledge because of its programming but Google has up-to-date knowledge every day.

    1. (1) Why does the writer list figures (列数字) in Paragraph 2?
      A . To show that ChatGPT is very popular. B . To show that ChatGPT is very expensive. C . To show that ChatGPT is very creative. D . To show that ChatGPT is very helpful.
    2. (2) What is ChatGPT Plus designed for?
      A . Guiding users to experience free services. B . Allowing users to visit the website later. C . Helping users write their stories. D . Offering users a chance to visit the website quickly.
    3. (3) What is the disadvantage of ChatGPT compared with Google?
      A . It works on fixed numbers. B . It takes more time to search for information. C . It doesn't have the latest knowledge. D . It may provide wrong answers to questions.
