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  • 1. (2022七下·黄埔期末) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。

    One day, two friends were walking together. Suddenly, one of them saw a lost wallet on the road and picked it up.

    "Oh, 1 a lucky day for me!" he said. "I have found a wallet with 2 money inside."

    "Don't say 'I have found a wallet!' You 3 say 'we've found a wallet' and 'how lucky we are'. Friends should share the fortunes(幸运)and misfortunes all the time."

    "No, no." the man said, "I found the wallet first, so I am going to keep it for 4."

    5 the two men were arguing, they heard a man shouting, "Stop, thief! Catch 6 thief!"

    When the man came near, 7 saw a group of people coming down the road with him. The man with the wallet fell into fear.

    "We will be in trouble if they find the wallet 8 us," he said.

    "No, no," said the other, "You did not say 'we' before when you had to share your fortune, 9 now keep your 'I'. Say 'I am in trouble'. Don't try to share your misfortune now when you were not ready to share your fortune earlier. Remember: it is important for friends 10 both fortunes and misfortunes."

    A . how B . what C . when D . why
    A . little B . a few C . some D . many
    A . may not B . can't C . should D . will
    A . myself B . itself C . himself D . ourselves
    A . Before B . After C . Until D . When
    A . a B . an C . / D . the
    A . they B . we C . you D . it
    A . with B . in C . at D . around
    A . and B . so C . but D . or
    A . share B . sharing C . to share D . shared
