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  • 1. (2023八下·东莞期中) 配对阅读:左栏是五位学生遇到的问题, 右栏是七种解决方案, 请为每一位学生选择一项最适合的解决方案。

    Tandy's best friend is very sad these days, because his mother is badly ill. Carl wants to help him, but he doesn't know what to do.   

    Hogen always thinks about many things before going to bed, so he can't sleep well. He feels very sleepy and tired during the daytime.   

    Although it's not allowed to take smart phones to school, Winnie still takes hers to school. She's afraid that her parents and teachers know her secret.   

    Iris wants to make her room in school more beautiful and comfortable but she doesn't want to spend too much time on it.   

    George bought a pair of sports shoes for 1000 yuan. His grandfather knew this and was very angry with him, because he spent too much money on the shoes.   

    A. Don't be angry with your grandfather. You can take him to a five﹣star restaurant and have a big meal.

    B. You could use your smart phone to do many useful thing, such as looking up new words and taking online lessons.

    C. Your grandfather might have a hard time in the past, so he doesn't waste anything. You should say sorry to him and tell him that you won't waste money again.

    D. You could relax before going to bed if you can't sleep at night. Don't drink tea or coffee before you go to bed.

    E. You can buy or draw some beautiful pictures and put them up on the walls. If you don't have much time, you can ask your roommates to help.

    F. You could help take care of his mother and tell him the trouble is nothing, because all of his friends will help him if necessary.

    G. You should say sorry to your teachers and parents, and promise that you will not bring your smart phone to school anymore.
