My father is a truck driver, and has been transporting scrap metals (废金属) and other dangerous materials. Someone has to move these things, and I am glad it's someone as reliable as my dad.
One evening my father brought my brother and me to collect my mother. We arrived and were waiting in the truck when my father smelled something. Smoke came from a house, a block behind us. He quickly drove around to the house. The smoke was obvious, and we saw fire when he opened the door and went inside. He came out with a woman and rushed back in for her children. He didn't stop until all the children were out. When the firemen arrived, we went back to get my mother. My father didn't even mention it to mom.
Once in the scrap metals he found a gold nursing pin, a badge (徽章) given to nurses when they graduate. This one had an initial and last name, and a date in the early 1920s. Dad researched and learned that the rightful owner was now in a nursing home several hundred miles away.
The next Sunday he drove to see her. She was ecstatic. The pin had been lost for over 50 years. The woman asked my father how much he wanted for the pin and he refused any reward. But the woman became upset when he accepted nothing, so he compromised by accepting gas money for the trip, though I am sure that he didn't tell her how much the drive actually cost.
Any one of these events makes my dad hero, but he never stops. I've learned from him that being a hero means doing whatever you can whenever you can.