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  • 1. (2023七下·拱墅期末)  阅读单选

    Hank went camping with his dad and brother Carlos. They set off for the woods. They found a good place for their tents. The boys helped Dad put up two tents. They put their sleeping bags inside one of the tents. "You can find some firewood," said Hank's dad, "then I'll make a campfire. "

    The boys went into the woods. Carlos found three sticks (棍子). Dad put hot dogs on the ends of the sticks and cooked them over the campfire. Then the boys cooked some bread and potatoes. Everything tasted great!

    After dinner the boys sat by the campfire, singing and telling funny jokes. Dad told scary stories. It was getting dark and cold. Hank moved closer to the fire to stay warm. They could hear the sound of something moving in the woods. 

    "What was that?" asked Carlos.

    "I don't know, but it sounds big," said Hank and he moved closer to his dad.

    "I think we should go to bed now," said Carlos.

    The boys said good night to Dad. They went into the tent and crawled (爬) into their sleeping bags. They talked about fishing tomorrow. Soon they were asleep and dreaming about the big fish they would catch(抓). 

    When the boys got up the next morning, Dad said, "Look!" He pointed to a footprint. "I think that noise we heard last night was a deer. "

    Both boys were hungry. They took their fishing poles (杆子) and ran to the lake. "Let's see if we can catch lunch. " said Hank.

    And they did!

    1. (1) What did Dad put on the ends of the sticks?
      A . Hot dogs. B . Bread. C . Potatoes. D . Fish.
    2. (2) Why did Hank move closer to his dad?
      A . Because he wanted to keep warm B . Because he wanted to say good night to Dad. C . Because he wanted to go to bed. D . Because he was afraid after hearing the sound.
    3. (3) Which is the right order according to the passage?

      ①The boys went fishing.        ②They heard something moving in the woods. 

      ③The boys helped Dad put up two tents.    ④They found some firewood and made a campfire. 

      A . ④③①② B . ③②④① C . ③④②① D . ①③②④
    4. (4) What does "And they did!"mean?
      A . Hank and Carlos took their fishing poles and ran to the sleeping bag. B . Hank and Carlos did catch some fish for lunch. C . Hank and Carlos were both hungry. D . Hank and Carlos saw the deer.
