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    The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal (大运河) is about 1,800 kilometers long. It  (start) from Hangzhou in the south and goes to Beijing in the north. It has  long history of more than 2,500 years. 

    In the year AD 605, Emperor Yang Guang  (give) an order to build (建造) the canal. Building such a long canal was  (real) difficult at that time. 

    3. 6 million people worked on it and in a short time many of them lost  (they) lives. It took people about six years to build the canal. The Grand Canal became a bridge between the north  the south of China. 

    The Grand Canal was built in ancient (古代的) China but it is still in use today. Every day, (ship) go up and down the canal. And many people like to take a walk along it. It is part of many Chinese (people) life. Now, lots of people are (live) happily along the canal. They call it "mother river" and it is one of the symbols Hangzhou.
