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  • 1. 读短文,根据短文内容,选择相应的地点名称并把其字母编号写在地图的横线上。

    Nancy's family goes out of the bus station. Nancy takes out a map and looks at it."Let's go to the hotel and put down the things first. It's a little far away from here."Nancy says.

    "Turn right out of the station, go down the Spring Street. Turn left at the second crossing to the First Road. Straight on, the Stars Hotel is on the right, opposite the Spring Park. We can see the sea from the window of the hotel."

    "After putting down the things in the hotel, I want to go to the Shopping Centre to buy some food and drinks. It is next to the Spring Park behind the library in Summer Street. Dad and Jack can go to the 24-Hour Bookshop. Go out of the hotel, turn right, it's behind the Shopping Centre. Or you can to to the Museum. It's just next to the hotel."

    "We'll have lunch in the Sea Palace. It's between the Bus Station and the Museum. After taking a rest, we will go and play on the beach."

      A. Stars Hotel B. Shopping Centre C. Bookshop D. Museum E. Sea Palace  
