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    There's no lack of family fun in New York City, especially when you and your family visit the many amazing museums for kids. Every site offers something exciting. If you're looking to enjoy a weekend or a day off school, try the following museums for kids.

    Children's Museum of Manhattan

    This nearly 40, 000-square-fbot museum makes learning about culture and science an enjoyable experience fbr kids. It also hosts classes and workshops which are all designed with the latest child-development research in mind.

    Brooklyn Children's Museum

    When founded in 1899, the BCM was the country^ first museum designed for children. Today, it's one of the most comprehensive(综合 性的)museums, with a collection of 30, 000 objects including musical instiumente, masks, dolls and fossils. Kids have fun while learning at interactive(互动的)exhibitions like "World Brooklyn", a mini city lined by stores where children can make bread at the Mexican Bakery, or shop fbr candy at the International Grocery.

    DiMcnna Children's Museum

    Exhibitions and programs at this kid-focused New-York Historical Society transport children back tiwou^i 350 years of U. S. history. Galleries show the live$ of kids who grew up to become fiamous doctors, athletes and political figures, and Little New-Yoriccrs classes invite kids to join in sing-alongs and make crafts.

    Children's Museum of the Arts

    This museum is especially designed for kids so that they can travel around the art world. The 10,000-square-foot museum has more room to house its 2, 000-piecc collection of international children's art, including a huge center gallery. Artists lead workshops in classrooms, studios and media labs~which are femous for a sound station, a clay bar and the video-making equipment.

    1. (1) What can children do in Children's Museum of Manhattan?
      A . Explore culture and science with pleasure. B . Make bread4t the museum by themselves. C . Cany out researches on child development. D . Design classes and workshops on their own.
    2. (2) Which museum is mainly connected to American history?
      A . Children's Museum of Manhattan. B . Children's Museum of the Arts. C . DIMenna Children's Museum. D . Brooklyn Children's Museum.
    3. (3) What is Children's Museum of the Arts designed to do?
      A . To help children explore the art world. B . To develop children's artistic expression C . To house international artists, famous works. D . To help children leam art creations from artists.
