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更新时间:2023-11-28 浏览次数:25 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解

    There's no lack of family fun in New York City, especially when you and your family visit the many amazing museums for kids. Every site offers something exciting. If you're looking to enjoy a weekend or a day off school, try the following museums for kids.

    Children's Museum of Manhattan

    This nearly 40, 000-square-fbot museum makes learning about culture and science an enjoyable experience fbr kids. It also hosts classes and workshops which are all designed with the latest child-development research in mind.

    Brooklyn Children's Museum

    When founded in 1899, the BCM was the country^ first museum designed for children. Today, it's one of the most comprehensive(综合 性的)museums, with a collection of 30, 000 objects including musical instiumente, masks, dolls and fossils. Kids have fun while learning at interactive(互动的)exhibitions like "World Brooklyn", a mini city lined by stores where children can make bread at the Mexican Bakery, or shop fbr candy at the International Grocery.

    DiMcnna Children's Museum

    Exhibitions and programs at this kid-focused New-York Historical Society transport children back tiwou^i 350 years of U. S. history. Galleries show the live$ of kids who grew up to become fiamous doctors, athletes and political figures, and Little New-Yoriccrs classes invite kids to join in sing-alongs and make crafts.

    Children's Museum of the Arts

    This museum is especially designed for kids so that they can travel around the art world. The 10,000-square-foot museum has more room to house its 2, 000-piecc collection of international children's art, including a huge center gallery. Artists lead workshops in classrooms, studios and media labs~which are femous for a sound station, a clay bar and the video-making equipment.

    1. (1) What can children do in Children's Museum of Manhattan?
      A . Explore culture and science with pleasure. B . Make bread4t the museum by themselves. C . Cany out researches on child development. D . Design classes and workshops on their own.
    2. (2) Which museum is mainly connected to American history?
      A . Children's Museum of Manhattan. B . Children's Museum of the Arts. C . DIMenna Children's Museum. D . Brooklyn Children's Museum.
    3. (3) What is Children's Museum of the Arts designed to do?
      A . To help children explore the art world. B . To develop children's artistic expression C . To house international artists, famous works. D . To help children leam art creations from artists.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    My mother at 85 was quick, with good sight and sharp reaction for her age, but one day she knocked into throe parked cars on a supermarket parking loL We never found out exactly how it happened.

    Mom was lucky, even though she spent two weeks in the hospital. But we unwillingly concluded that it was time to take Mom's car keys. Tears ran down her cheeks. I think she never felt old until that moment, when I took away the independence provided by the car.

    In the days that followed, we suggested she take taxis to shop, but she wouldn't do it: "That's not my style". Fortunately she lived in the city and quickly slipped into the habit of taking the bus. She began to enjoy her new life. But most old people have no convenient public transportation or shops within walking distance.

    We seemed to have made a right decision. But, in view of the issuse(议题)of the older drivers, is tragedy (悲剧)like that a reason to take away the car keys of the elderly? I think not Age doesn't necessarily mean anythinge Slower or not, senior citizens are much better than teenagers. They usually drive more slowly, but their slower speed reduces the risk of death. The worst risk-takers on the highway are young men between the ages of 18 to 25, but no one suggests taking away tibeir keys or raising the driving age to 26.

    The death rate in the past year fbr motorists between 16 and 20, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, was more tiian double that for drivers over 70. The older citizen who tries to avoid danger is likely to take personal responsibility more seriously than a younger person who causes danger through partying and risk.

    So, let Granny drive for as long as she caa Road age is a lot less dangerous than road rage.

    1. (1) Why was Mom sad when her car keys were taken away?
      A . Because she was seriously injured. B . Because she recognized she was old. C . Because she was misunderstood. D . Because she had to walk to shop.
    2. (2) What did the writer think of their decision?
      A . Risky. B . Necessary. C . Unreasonable. D . Unimportant
    3. (3) Which of the following opinions does the writer support?
      A . Men under 26 shouldn't be allowed to drive. B . Both senior and young drivers take risks while driving. C . Seniors drivers are less likely to be responsible for iheir behavior. D . Age can't be the only reason for seniors to be stopped firom driving.
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . The accident Mom caused. B . The issue of senior drivers. C . The proper age to drive. D . The bad teenage driving.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Travel allows us to experience the world. But as we travel, we are also leaving our footprint on every place we visit This is why culturally immereive(沉浸)travel is so important. Because the wrong kind of travel badly influences the world. One of the reasons we started this blog was to help others travel better and feel comfbrtable getting off the beaten path, communicating with locals, and take you "Beyond the traditional Buckedist", if you will.

    People who only get 2-weeks off per year are often just looking for an easy destination with a beach to relax on. This isn't travel. This is a vacation. But "Timncrsive Travel" or "Cultural Travel" is an entirely new type of trip. It is about experiencing and protectmc the various traditions around the world. It's about being open to new experiences and willing to step into another's shoes. Cultural travel is jumping in with both feet and leaving your idea about what your trip should be behind you. It's eating local dishes and sleeping in . guesthouses. It's building genuine connections wifli locals. It's learning about the history of a countiy and leaving your trip with a greater understanding of the place you came to see and the people who live there.

    Often times in today's age, "travelersT will visit a countiy just to snap some photos of the famous sights to post on Instagram or to drink the night away, or even just to relax on a tropical beach. But that kind of vacation can be haimful to the very communities you're traveling to.

    Beyond supporting the local communities and the protection of local customs and traditions, you'll also experience some personal benefits trough cultural travels. There's simply no way to travel this way with a closed mind. You'll get to know different cultures intimately and understand them a lot better. You'll also become less judgmental (评头论足的)of others the more you travel.

    1. (1) What's the author's purpose in writing the first paiagraph?
      A . To stress the hannfiil influence of travel. B . To describe the importance of cultural travel. C . To recommend a totally different type of travel. D . To express his unique feelings about cultural travel.
    2. (2) According to the author, today's travelers tend to ____.
      A . build close connections with the locals during the travel. B . choose a tourist attraction for adventure and exploration. C . show more interest in the history of a travel destination. D . post the photos taken in the journey on ttie social media.
    3. (3) What can be inferred about the culturally immersive travel?
      A . It is concentrated on studying local people's iifiestyle. B . Its travelers should be open-minded and understanding. C . It is a specific way to make comments on other cultures. D . Its major focus is protecting local traditions and customs.
    4. (4) Where is the text probably taken from?

      A A travel brochure.    

      A . A blog post. B . A historic magazine. C . An encyclopedia website.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Cats are commonly seen licking(舔)themselves and animal companions. But once in a while your cat will lick you.

    "From birth cats explore the world through their mouths" says Anita Kelsey, a cat expert. Though cats use their nose to smell, they also taste and analyze scent(气味 using their mouth to learn about things. When a cat licks you, it is trvingto more information about you.

    But more than tihat, cats lick who they like. "Cats lick us as a sign of closeness," says Kelsey. "It's a form of getting us clean as they do with other cats. They are also enjoying taking in our scent. They love armpits (腋窝), for example, as there is a strong scent there."

    Addition to its love for you, a cat might lick you for plenty of other reasons. To start with, if your cat is regularly coming at you widi its tongue, maybe it wants to maik vou as its person. What better way to tell other cats to back off than by painting you with the special perfiunc(芳香)from their mouth?

    To deal with stress of fear, cats also lick This behavior is especially common in cats which were taken away from Iheir mothers very early, but it can happen in any cat. If the behavior seems to worsen over time, or is accompanied by nervous body language, you need to ask your vet about treatment.

    It's very sweet that your cat likes you, but sometimes the licking can get to be too much. Especially because the sandpaper tongue can really hurt! To keep your cat from licking you, you can draw its attention away by a toy, brashing it with a brush or simply walking away, or even just putting a cardboard box in the middle of the floor. It's worth a shot!

    1. (1) What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

      A Cats smell in two ways.

      A . Cats use their mouth more often than their nose. B . Licking is a way fbr cats to get themselves informed. C . Smell is just one of the ways for cats to explore the world.
    2. (2) How can a cat easily keep other cats away from its human friend?
      A . By following him whenever and wherever he is. B . By using perfume to attract his attention. C . By fighting off all the cats close to him. D . By covering him with licks.
    3. (3) For which purpose is a cardboard box placed before a cat?
      A . To take a fonny picture.C. To make a house for the animal. B . To give it a plaything to play with.D. To set up a wall between you and your cat.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be used as the title of the passage ?
      A . Why Does Your Cat Lick You? B . Cats' Ways to Show Love C . How to Prevent Cats from Licking You? D . You Know Little about Ybur Cat
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空臼处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Keep Building Your Vocabulary

    No educative process is ever the end. It is always die beginning of more education and more learning.  The following are the ways that can help to keep your vocabulary growing and growing.

    Read more. As an adult, you will find most of the sources of your supply of new words in books and magazines. If your aim is to have a superior vocabulary, you will have to make the time to read at least om book and several magazines eveiy week Not just tins week and next week-but every week. 

    Guess the meaning of a new word in the context. When you meet with an unfamiliar word, do not skip over it impatiently.  Then work out its possible meaning in the context of the sentence. Whether you come to the right conclusion or not will make a difference because you are, in this process, becoming more clearly aware of the word. As a result, you will suddenly notice that this very word pops up unexpectedly again and again in all your reading. And of course after you've seen it a few times, you will know fairly well not only what it means but the many ways it can be used.

     Think of the areas that may possibly be unknown to you - psychology, science, art, music or whatever. Then explore them by reading books in the fields. In every field, there are books written for average, untrained readers that will give you both a good knowledge and at the same time add dramatically to your vocabulary.

    Set yourself a soal. If you do nothing about your vocabulary, you will learn, at most, twenty-five to fifty words in a year.  This may sound ambitious-but you will discover vocabulary snowbalk as soon as you start actively looking for new words.

    A. Get prepared in advance.

    B. Open you mind to new fields.

    C. And so it is with vocabulary building.

    D. You must be willing to learn new words.

    E. I have never seen a single person with a rich vocabulary who is not a book addict.

    F. Instead, stop for a moment and read it aloudget used to its sound and appearance.

    G. However, with a clear goal, you can leam several thousand in the same period of time.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I suffered a serious head injury(损伤)as a kid. It led to a constant 1 even in a special reading class. When I met my teacher, Jill Kinmont, for the first time, I felt 2 because l'd never known anyone who was 3 . She was young but was in a wheelchair (轮椅). She 4 during a race as a skier and injured her back. She never acted like she felt 5 for herself. Instead, she 6 at us at the beghmiag of every class.

    She taught us 7 through reading cards, spelling lessons and writing practices. I was a slow reader, but she showed me it was okay to take my 8 . I remember the day when I was ready to 9 . To other teachers, spelling the word "furniture" might be a 10 thing, but my teacher treated it as a great 11 . "You did it, Sandy!" she smiled. "You spelled a difficult word and 12 the tests. Now you can return to a regular (常规的) classroom!"

    She 13 a ten-year old girl who was hardly able to read and write and changed her world forever. Looking back, I wish Pd thanked her for making such a big 14 in my life. I'll always remember what she 15 me: With patience and love, no mountain is too high to climb.

    A .  joy B .  advance C .  struggle D .  danger
    A .  shocked B .  excited C .  worried D .  annoyed
    A .  curious B .  selfless C .  determined D .  disabled
    A .  fell B . won C .  quit D .  escaped
    A .  responsible B .  secure C .  sorry D .  confident
    A .  smiled B .  looked C .  shouted D .  lauded
    A .  hurriedly B .  eagerly C .  anxiously D .  patiently
    A .  advice B .  time C .  place D .  courae
    A .  begin B . change C .  leave D .  stay
    A .  small B .  difficult C .  serious D .  personal
    A .  impression B .  movement C .  behavior D .  achievement
    A .  respected B .  passed C .  missed D .  valued
    A .  saved B .  met C .  attracted D .  harmed
    A .  decision B .  choice C .  difference D .  treatment
    A .  bought B .  taught C .  wamed D .  tricked
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Adam is a freshman in America.     (attend) senior high school is a big challenge to him. He was (confuse) about which courses to take. From an early age, he  (prefer) English to Cbinese because he thought Chinese was a very difficult language.  he hoped to speak Chinese     (fluent) after graduation. Luckily,  the help of his adviser, he finally chose the suitable ones. He also had to choose extra-curricular  (activity), He once failed to join the school football team and was  (happy) , but he didn't quit. Instead, he made up his mind to improve himself to make the team the next year. Also, he joined  volunteer club to help homeless people in the community. And he'll have to study harder and get used to being responsible for a lot more  (prepare) for university or whatever else comes in the future.

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Plastic garbage is a problem around the world. In Guatemala, in Central America, many towns have trouble collecting garbage. So large amounts of plastic garbage;so plenty of plastic garbage  (leave) in the streets. Susanne Heisse came up with  idea to help solve this problem.

    Her idea was to help communities (社区)work together  (build) plastic-bottle schools. First, people collect plastic bottles, and then they fill the bottler with plastic garbage. By  (push) a large amount of garbage into the bottle, the bottle,  becomes strong, can then be used to make walls. In the end, an entire school can be built.

    One group in Guatemala, Hug It Forward, first     (start) using this idea in its projects. Because plastic bottle schools are  (cheap) than the other schools built in the     (tradition) way, other groups have also started similar projects around the world.

    Now, plastic-bottle schools can be found in (place) such as South Africa, Cambodia and the Philippines. Through such projects, garbage is turned  something useful.

  • 16. 假设你是李华,你在美国夏令营时的住家Johns夫妇写信告诉你他们下周将来浙江游玩,请给他们制定一个旅行计划并写信告知他们,要点如下:1.表示欢迎;2.行程安排;3.希望告知航班信息以便接机。


