My mother at 85 was quick, with good sight and sharp reaction for her age, but one day she knocked into throe parked cars on a supermarket parking loL We never found out exactly how it happened.
Mom was lucky, even though she spent two weeks in the hospital. But we unwillingly concluded that it was time to take Mom's car keys. Tears ran down her cheeks. I think she never felt old until that moment, when I took away the independence provided by the car.
In the days that followed, we suggested she take taxis to shop, but she wouldn't do it: "That's not my style". Fortunately she lived in the city and quickly slipped into the habit of taking the bus. She began to enjoy her new life. But most old people have no convenient public transportation or shops within walking distance.
We seemed to have made a right decision. But, in view of the issuse(议题)of the older drivers, is tragedy (悲剧)like that a reason to take away the car keys of the elderly? I think not Age doesn't necessarily mean anythinge Slower or not, senior citizens are much better than teenagers. They usually drive more slowly, but their slower speed reduces the risk of death. The worst risk-takers on the highway are young men between the ages of 18 to 25, but no one suggests taking away tibeir keys or raising the driving age to 26.
The death rate in the past year fbr motorists between 16 and 20, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, was more tiian double that for drivers over 70. The older citizen who tries to avoid danger is likely to take personal responsibility more seriously than a younger person who causes danger through partying and risk.
So, let Granny drive for as long as she caa Road age is a lot less dangerous than road rage.