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  • 1. (2023高一上·路桥月考) 阅读理解

    Travel allows us to experience the world. But as we travel, we are also leaving our footprint on every place we visit This is why culturally immereive(沉浸)travel is so important. Because the wrong kind of travel badly influences the world. One of the reasons we started this blog was to help others travel better and feel comfbrtable getting off the beaten path, communicating with locals, and take you "Beyond the traditional Buckedist", if you will.

    People who only get 2-weeks off per year are often just looking for an easy destination with a beach to relax on. This isn't travel. This is a vacation. But "Timncrsive Travel" or "Cultural Travel" is an entirely new type of trip. It is about experiencing and protectmc the various traditions around the world. It's about being open to new experiences and willing to step into another's shoes. Cultural travel is jumping in with both feet and leaving your idea about what your trip should be behind you. It's eating local dishes and sleeping in . guesthouses. It's building genuine connections wifli locals. It's learning about the history of a countiy and leaving your trip with a greater understanding of the place you came to see and the people who live there.

    Often times in today's age, "travelersT will visit a countiy just to snap some photos of the famous sights to post on Instagram or to drink the night away, or even just to relax on a tropical beach. But that kind of vacation can be haimful to the very communities you're traveling to.

    Beyond supporting the local communities and the protection of local customs and traditions, you'll also experience some personal benefits trough cultural travels. There's simply no way to travel this way with a closed mind. You'll get to know different cultures intimately and understand them a lot better. You'll also become less judgmental (评头论足的)of others the more you travel.

    1. (1) What's the author's purpose in writing the first paiagraph?
      A . To stress the hannfiil influence of travel. B . To describe the importance of cultural travel. C . To recommend a totally different type of travel. D . To express his unique feelings about cultural travel.
    2. (2) According to the author, today's travelers tend to ____.
      A . build close connections with the locals during the travel. B . choose a tourist attraction for adventure and exploration. C . show more interest in the history of a travel destination. D . post the photos taken in the journey on ttie social media.
    3. (3) What can be inferred about the culturally immersive travel?
      A . It is concentrated on studying local people's iifiestyle. B . Its travelers should be open-minded and understanding. C . It is a specific way to make comments on other cultures. D . Its major focus is protecting local traditions and customs.
    4. (4) Where is the text probably taken from?

      A A travel brochure.    

      A . A blog post. B . A historic magazine. C . An encyclopedia website.
