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  • 1. (2023高一上·荆州期中)  阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文, 

    Ballet was a way of life in Kelly's family. Her elder sister Serena was now dancing at a top college. Though Kelly's mom always wanted her to follow in her sister's footsteps and Kelly herself was good at ballet, her love for ballet had faded years before, and she was eager for a new challenge.

    One day at school, as Kelly left the dance studio, she walked past the gym, fascinated by boxers training inside the boxing ring(拳击赛场). She was deeply impressed by how hard they hit and how fast they moved. In fact, she'd long been attracted to boxing.

    She pulled a piece of paper from her backpack. On the familiar Oakwood High School Club Sign-up Sheet was the phrase:BOXING CLUB TRYOUT(选拔).That was what Kelly really wanted to do. She knew her mom had high expectations for her when it came to ballet. Tired of trying to keep up with her sister, Kelly was ready to carve(雕刻) her own path.

    The next day, she gathered her courage and told Serena about her new passion. At first, Serena didn't understand and thought she was just joking. But when she saw Kelly was serious, she replied, "You know Mom wants you to be a ballet dancer, right? Besides, boxing is only for boys, and you're so good at ballet. Lean into your strength, Kelly."

    "But this is where I want to put my strength,"Kelly insisted, "and what exactly does ‘only for boys' mean, anyway? Boxing is a sport for everyone!"

    Gradually, touched by her determination and passion, Serena began to understand and support her. Kelly could feel it. Her sister was going to respect her decision, no matter what. But that was nothing compared to the preparations for the tryout, where she was required to show her footwork(步法) and punching(击打)abilities with other candidates(候选人). Boxing didn't come natural to Kelly, but she had made up her mind to stick with her choice.

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    Then Kelly began her training for the tryout, keeping it a secret from her mom.


    The following Monday, results of the boxing tryout were posted.
