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  • 1. (2023九上·期中)  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    We all know that the British love their manners. They are part of their (nation) identity(特性), as well as having fish and chips and complaining about the weather. Recently, I read online that they say "sorry" up to eight times day.

    After doing some research, I have not been able to find any specific reasons why they are like this. I suppose, for centuries, manners, (include) how they behave at the table and talk to other people have been one of the differences the lower and upper classes and those manners show their social classes. Britain has (tradition) been quite a conservative(保守的) country. There are many articles (suggest) that their seemingly polite attitude of always saying "please" and "thank you" is quite wrong because it is impossible for a person to always feel that he or she wants(thank) someone or say "please".

    Maybe it is for this reason that people are going one of two ways: They are too polite and hold back their feelings  they are not polite at all and express their true feelings directly. Some British people (be) tired of pretending that they are always happy and having to please others. But sometimes because they feel they have to be polite, they are prevented from saying  they truly think. 
