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  • 1. (2023九上·石家庄期中) 阅读理解

    The students of Class 1, Grade 3 are sharing their volunteer experiences. I joined a volunteer team last summer vacation. We mainly helped the disabled and the old. We helped the old to check blood pressure every day. Besides, we told stories and chatted with them to cheer them up. I chose this job because of the fact that a lot of elderly people are lonely. This experience made me think more about other people and their needs.

    I have been volunteering with Help Cat for the past 3 years, working with the homeless cats. I helped to clean their houses, fed them and gave them love and attention. I felt I was making a difference and getting better. This experience told me that every cat deserves(应得)a loving home. I realized I could do more than I thought I could.

    I once volunteered at our community to help clean up the street. Every weekend, I got up early and worked together with the cleaners. Seeing people living in a cleaner environment, I realized I was helping my community and it made me a better person.

    I can't agree with you more. About two weeks ago, I helped my neighborhood plant some trees and flowers as a volunteer, which made our community more beautiful. It gave me a huge sense of pride.

    1. (1) What did Carina do during summer vacation?
      A . Helped the disabled and the old. B . Cleaned up the city park. C . Told stories for children. D . Planted some trees and flowers.
    2. (2) When did Judy start her volunteer work?
      A . About two weeks ago. B . Last weekend. C . Three years ago. D . Last summer vacation.
    3. (3) What do the four students have in common?
      A . They joined the same volunteer team. B . They all got better through volunteering. C . They all helped people in their neighborhoods. D . They only worked during vacations.
