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  • 1. (2023八上·萧山期中)  阅读理解

    A woman kept a bird and she really liked it. But one day the bird flew away. The woman was sad and went out to look for it on the mountain near her home. At last, she met the bird. 

    The woman said excitedly, "Will you please go home with me, my bird?" Though the bird was also happy to see the woman, it shook its head.

    "Take me to your home and let me see how you live. " the woman said. The bird led the woman to its new home. She found it lived well with many other birds. So she decided to go back home alone. Before she was leaving, the bird gave her a basket.

    When she returned home, she told her husband what had happened. Her husband opened the basket and saw a lot of gold. The man was very greedy (贪婪的) and he went to the bird's home, too.

    "Hello, my bird. I miss you very much. " cried the man falsely (虚伪地). In fact, he used to treat the bird badly. The bird said nothing. It took out two baskets, a light one and a heavy one. The bird asked him to choose one and he could open it after he reached home.

    Of course, he chose the heavy one and took it home with great difficulty. However, when he opened the basket, he found it was full of stones!

    1. (1) What did the woman do on the mountain?
      A . She wanted to visit her friend. B . She found a basket full of gold. C . She looked for her lost bird. D . She looked for gold.
    2. (2) The woman went back home alone because ____. 
      A . she found the bird lived well B . the bird gave her a basket C . the bird didn't like her D . her husband asked her to do that
    3. (3) Why did the woman's husband go to the bird's home?
      A . Because he loved the bird. B . Because he wanted to bring the bird home. C . Because he wanted more baskets. D . Because he wanted more gold.
    4. (4) What does the story mainly want to tell us?
      A . We should try our best to keep more birds. B . Be kind to others and don't be greedy. C . Kind people can get everything they want. D . We can get lots of gold if we are friendly to birds.
