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  • 1. (2024高二下·河南月考) 阅读理解


    If you spend more than a couple of days in the country of Georgia, you are very likely to be invited to a Georgian feast even by complete strangers. The multi-hour, multi-course feast is one of the most important events in Georgian culture. 

    A popular Georgian story shows the importance of the feast in Georgian culture. When God created the world, He held a meeting to give the different regions of the world to different cultures. But the Georgians arrived late at the meeting. After they apologized and explained that they'd been holding a feast with a stranger the night before and slept later than they'd meant to, God was so touched and impressed by their honesty that He gave the Georgians the best land of all: the part of earth He was saving for himself.

    In order to survive the feasts without offending (冒犯) the hosts, it's important for you to know a few things about it in advance.

    A Georgian feast will likely have a seemingly unlimited number of dishes. So avoid fully cleaning your plate unless you want more servings. Don't fill up on khachapuri-Georgian cheese bread. There are numerous regional varieties of cheese bread, but khachapuri is the most delicious of all. The cheese bread is usually a heavy lunch on its own, but at feasts it's often considered a side dish or an appetent. Don't make the mistake of having more than a few bites—only to discover that the main meal is still coming.

    When you drink, follow the lead of the toastmaster, who presents a scries of toasts throughout the evening. Traditionally, drinkers would dry their glass (or, if keeping with tradition, drain their deer's horn) with every toast. This isn't always done now. Just remember the important rule: say "cheers" after every toast.

    Consider bringing a small gift, such as sweets or flowers, as a gesture of thanks. Avoid bringing more fond, however, which might imply that you don't think there will be enough on offer.

    1. (1)  What can be most probably inferred from the story?
      A . Georgia is short of natural resources B . Most of the Georgians are lazy and wasteful. C . The Georgian people are very honest and friendly. D . It is important to go to a meeting on time in Georgia.
    2. (2)  What can we know about khachapuri?
      A . It is not a main dish at feasts at all. B . Georgians usually have it for breakfast. C . It is one of the unique Georgian drinks. D . Many regional varieties are based on it.
    3. (3)  What is the author most likely to suggest visitors do?
      A . Drink all the wine every time. B . Take some small gifts with them. C . Clean the plate after each serving. D . Bring some special food to the feast.
    4. (4)  What is the best title for the text?
      A . Amazing Food History in Georgia B . Basic Rules of Being a Good Host C . Bad Manners to Be Avoided at the Table D . Things to Be Learned About Georgian Feasts
