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    The peaceful little town Cherrywood Dale was made up of colorful houses, each one home to a warm-hearted family. The neighbors were the salt of the earth, always ready to lend a helping hand to one another. However, among them was an exception, an old man named Mr. Johnson, who lived alone in a small cottage. 

    Mr. Johnson was known for his excellent gardening skills. His gift for gardening had turned his backyard into a beautiful rose garden. However, his passionate devotion to gardening had left him with little time for personal life. His only company was his beloved roses. 

    Not far from Mr. Johnson's cottage lived a young couple, Tom and Emily. They were the complete opposite of Mr. Johnson—lively and sociable, always up to something new and exciting. Their home was always filled with the sound of laughter and good cheer. They had a young son named Charlie, who was Mr. Johnson's favorite neighbor. Charlie's infectious laughter and boundless energy brought some life to Mr. Johnson's quiet existence.

    One day, Charlie decided to surprise Mr. Johnson by decorating his front yard for the upcoming Harvest Festival. He knew how much Mr. Johnson loved autumn and the changing of the leaves. Charlie enlisted the help of his parents and set to work, painting pumpkins(南瓜)and hanging decorations. They were so caught up in their creation that they ended up accidentally stepping on Mr. Johnson's prize-winning roses.

    The next morning, Mr. Johnson came out of his cottage and saw the beautiful display, his face shining with delight. But his smile quickly turned into a frown(皱眉)when he saw the destroyed roses. He called over Tom and Emily, who were equally displeased by what had happened. They apologized sincerely, promising to replace the roses, but Mr. Johnson was unmoved. The once friendly neighbors became locked in an uneasy standoff. Charlie was heartbroken, not understanding why Mr. Johnson wouldn't accept their apology.


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    Then one afternoon, Emily decided to make the first move.

    Mr. Johnson was moved by the three's sincere understanding.
