Are you good at remembering what you've learned at school? Is it an easy process for all people? Noone's memory is perfect. Even the smartest people forget things. This does not mean a person has a badmemory. It means he is not using his mind to his advantages.
The brain has short-term memory and long-term memory. When we learn something new, it stays in ourmemory for around 20-30 seconds. This is our short-term memory. It can hold a small amount of information. If we repeat it and use it often, this information can move from short-term memory to long-term memory, which is the place where memories are stored for a long time.
The skill for remembering is moving information from short-term to long-term memory. No one knowsexactly how this happens. But one thing is for sure—practising, or making repetition of information, is one ofthe most popular methods of remembering. And scientists say that long-term memory will never fill upcompletely with memories in one's lifetime.
Then why do we forget things? Forgetting things that are not important helps our brain to rememberthings that are important. Our brain is always "cleaning out"useless information to make room for somethingmore useful.
If you are interested in improving your memory, there are lots of simple things you can do, like eatinghealthily, sleeping well and exercising daily. Besides, it's also important to challenge your brain. You can playmind games, learn a musical instrument or study a new language. All you need to do is to keep your brainhealthy and active.