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    he, begin, bad, move, live, university, story, through

        Langston Hughes was a famous black poet (诗人). And he also wrote novels, plays and short

        Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, the US. He  with his grandmother in Lawrence, Kansas. She told him stories about their family. These stories made Hughes feel proud (自豪的) to be black. He  to write when he was living with her. During his life time, he wrote a lot about black people. his poems, novels and stories, Hughes helped other black people to see themselves as part of a much bigger group of people.

        After his grandmother died in 1915, he moved to Cleveland, Ohio, to live with mother and her new husband. Hughes went to high school there. His first short stories came out (出版) when he was still in high school.

        After finishing high school in 1920, he  to Mexico City to live with his father. Hughes had a very  relationship (关系) with his father. His father didn't want him to be a writer. He said that Hughes could go to only if he studied engineering (工程学). Hughes agreed. He went to Columbia University in New York City in 1921 but left the university in 1922 because of his colour.
