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  • 1. (2016九上·萧山期中) 阅读下面材料, 在空白处填上适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Two girls are (lie) by the lake and talking about their childhood.

    Dona: You know what? I used to have short straight hair. When my mum's friends saw me, they said, "Hey, what a lovely son you have!" Isn't that funny?

    Cathy: Haha! Did you use to be as wild a boy?

    Dona: Kind of. I used to play with boys a lot. You know, we used to live in the forest. I always went (hunt) with my dad. It was fun. Once I hunted for a whole day by (I). How brave I was! I also climbed up a very big tree. And my parents were so worried. But I thought I had so wonderful (experience).

    Cathy: Cool. Well, you don't look like a boy now, .

    Dona: No, I don't. I'm (much) like a girl now, with long curly hair, and I'm a little bit shy.

    Cathy: So you are. Well, believe it or not, I used to be a very fat girl with a round face.

    Dona: How come! You're so thin.

    Cathy: Well, my mum said that I used to sleep a lot and eat lot. She said that I didn't like exercise.

    Dona: No wonder you were so fat. Did you use to be very shy?

    Cathy: Not really. But I used to be very quiet and I would spend the whole day reading in the room.

    Dona: I could believe it. Now you even can't stay in the room for a whole morning. You like outdoor activities so much.

    Cathy: That's for sure. I need exercise. I don't want to be fat as I used to be.

    Dona: Me, . Shall we do some sports now?

    Cathy: Sound like a good idea.
