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  • 1. (2017高三上·葫芦岛期中) 完形填空

    Love Is Like a Car Battery

        I always hold the view that every act of kindness can eventually change the world as well as generosity, gratitude and trust.

        I was parking at a hiking road when a man in the car next to mine looked out and started to ask me for help. “No1,” I told him, as I was willing to help anyone in2. It turned out that his battery was3and no one would help jump to start his car!

        I4him if he had cables, which he did, and in less than five5I gave him a jump start and his car6at the drop of a hat He thanked me and asked “how much do I7you” and I looked at him in8and said “not a thing!”

        He said “You won't believe it9I've been sitting here for so long and I asked at least three people to10me and no one would do it”. That made me really11. I was thinking that perhaps because of how he12, his background, or whatever,13might think he was going to ask them for14or something and just automatically said “no” without even15that they could help him so16. He also told me that one man17him “My battery is old so it can't help you”.

        I was18that the battery is like the love in our hearts. We get19more if we give it away to others! And it doesn't20our hearts to give. I'm happy that I charged his battery and he charged my “battery” with love. I got much more than he offered to me.

    A . hurry B . problem C . fun D . way
    A . common B . command C . particular D . need
    A . low B . lost C . broken D . strong
    A . told B . taught C . asked D . comforted
    A . minutes B . months C . days D . hours
    A . started B . ran C . returned D . died
    A . thank B . know C . lend D . owe
    A . detail B . time C . disbelief D . pride
    A . so B . but C . and D . for
    A . notice B . help C . encourage D . impress
    A . curious B . sad C . grateful D . reliable
    A . works B . sleeps C . looks D . stresses
    A . passengers B . visitors C . reporters D . passers-by
    A . sympathy B . support C . money D . trouble
    A . realizing B . permitting C . memorizing D . regretting
    A . selflessly B . exactly C . properly D . easily
    A . warned B . told C . reminded D . blamed
    A . fearing B . observing C . thinking D . ignoring
    A . charged B . surprised C . lost D . frightened
    A . go through B . cut across C . add up D . use up
