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  • 1. (2017高三上·葫芦岛期中) 阅读理解

        Pound for pound, healthy food is cheaper than junk food, according to a new research from the U. K.

        The Institute of Economic Affairs found that the average cost for a “wide range” of healthy foods was about £ 2 per kilogram, compared with £ 3 a kilogram for less-healthy products such as processed and ready-made foods.

    Still, study after study finds that cost is often a barrier when it comes to healthy eating. Convenience drives consumers to care about habits more than prices, the U. K. study concluded. Taste and convenience often play a larger role in people's food choices than price or nutritional quality.

        “Processed foods are extremely expensive, especially when it comes to the nutrient value. Some of the healthiest, most inexpensive foods aren't so attractive. Beans cost next to nothing, especially when bought dry and in great amounts. They take time and some skills to prepare. ” said Ciara Foy, a nutritionist.

        Instead, busy parents reach for the chicken. “You might be getting something that has enough calories to fill you up but you're actually not getting any nutrients, so your body's going to keep wanting more and more food,” said Foy. “And that's why in North America we, re overfed and undernourished (营养不良的).”

        Makers tend to try to promote their product based on perceived health benefits, which makes consumers confused at times with what is a healthy product and how much you should pay for those benefits. The most expensive items, healthy or not, are the ones that end up in the trash. “A lot of people waste a lot of food,” Foy said. It's estimated that more than $ 30 billion of food is wasted in Canada every year. Foy recommends taking a look in your fridge to see what needs to be used up when planning for the next night's meals. “If you actually cut down on the waste you'll find that you can afford healthy food,” Foy said.

    1. (1) In the author's opinion, people choose junk food mainly because of its       .
      A . quality and taste B . price and nutrition C . taste and convenience D . advertisement and nutrition
    2. (2) Why are beans unpopular with some people?
      A . It is not convenient to buy them. B . They are too expensive to afford. C . They make people want more and more food. D . It is not very easy to prepare them for dishes.
    3. (3) What can be learned from the text?
      A . Healthy food must cost more. B . Not wasting food, we can afford healthy food. C . Canadians are most fond of eating junk food now. D . Food makers always take health benefits into consideration.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
      A . Don't Waste Food B . Healthy Food Is Cheaper Than Junk Food C . Healthy Food Can Better Your Life and Career D . Junk Food Really Steals People's Life and Health
