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  • 1. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    ( in a restaurant)

    A: Happy Thanksgiving, Rob.

    B: Thanks, Alex. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.


    B: Yes! They made a Thanksgiving meal, and it smells great!


    B. That's a hard question. I like the turkey.

    A: What about the potatoes?

    B: Delicious!

    A: And green beans (青豆)?

    B: Those are delicious, too. And corn! I like corn at Thanksgiving.


    B: Of course!  Pumpkin pie is the traditional Thanksgiving dessert!


    B: I do. Thanksgiving meal is my favorite meal of the year!

    A. You like everything!

    B. I ate two pieces of pumpkin pie.

    C. I like potatoes with lots of butter.

    D. Do you like pumpkin pie for dessert?

    E. Do you know how to cook the turkey?

    F. The restaurant prepared a special meal today.

    G. What's your favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal?
