Hello. I have some information about your English classes. Listen carefully. The<br />school opens on Monday and all students do an English test. Your first lesson is<br />on Tuesday. There are three levels. If your lesson is too easy or too difficult,<br />don't worry. You can try a different level on Wednesday. Now about the rooms.<br />English lessons are usually held in rooms 14, 15, and 16. But when you go to do<br />your test, please go to room 16. It's the only one that's big enough for<br />everyone to sit and write at the same time. English lessons usually last for<br />two hours. You have two lessons each morning with a 20-minute break between<br />them when you can buy coffee and snacks. Your English test only takes an hour,<br />however, so you have time to look around the school on your first day.