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更新时间:2019-02-21 浏览次数:380 类型:二轮复习
  • 1. (2018·广安) 下面短文中的画线部分是错误的,请改正,但不得改变原文意思。

        Oliver Twist is one of the more famous stories for Charles Dickens. Set in the nineteenth century, it is about a boy calling Oliver who finds himself alone in the world. He lives in a special house for poor people and always has a empty stomach. One day, he asks for more food and gets into trouble!

        Later, Oliver runs away to London. There he meets some boys who steal money and other things. They teach Oliver steal too, though Oliver does not want to because he is a good child. After many difficulties, Oliver is took home by a kind old man. In the end, Oliver discovers that the kind man is a relative, and he goes to live with him in the city.

        There are many reasons why Oliver Twist is so a popular story. There are also a lot of action in the book, and it is also very humorous.

        The writer was also very good at write about the every day lives of poor children in London in the nineteenth century — his book made people care more about the problems of poor children.

  • 2. (2018·黄石) 假定英语课堂上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一篇作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。





        Last Sunday, I take part in the “Earth Protector” activity with my classmates. In the morning, we went to a People's Park at 8:30 by bus. When we got to there,we saw some children draw pictures by the lake. The ground and public walls was very dirty. So we began to pick up the rubbish or clean the public walls. We also planted some tree. All of them worked very hard. We think it's our duty to take good care our environment. If everyone protects the environment, the world will become more and more beautifully.

  • 3. (2018·齐齐哈尔) 阅读短文,从原文的找出错误并改正,不加词,不删词。

    (例如: Lily always go to school on foot. go—goes)

        Are you the kind of person who like to move with music? Even little① child start jumping up and down when they hear music. Scientists say that animals② dance, too. But their dancing is different. The "dances" of animals send messages to others③ animals. And when people dance, they express feelings about life and love. Dances are④ good for you with many ways. For one thing, dancing is good for you physically It makes⑤ heart work and make you breathe fast It also makes you use your arms and your legs⑥ go dancing often, you can keep health. You may feel very tired after dancing, but you⑦ will probably also feel relaxing. This is another important point about dancing. It gives you⑧ a chance to express your feelings and feel better about you.⑨ If you are angry or upset about something, dancing helps those feelings going away.⑩

  • 4. (2018·绥化) 找出下列句子中的一处错误并改正。
    1. (1)
    2. (2)  
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 5. (2018·枣庄) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号∧,并在其下面写出该增加的词。删除:把多余的词用(/)划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。




        What would people like to eat on their birthday? The answer would be differently in different countries. In much countries, people have birthday cakes with candles. The number of candles are the person's age. The birthday person must make a wish and blow the candles. In the UK, people sometimes put a candy in a birthday cake. The child with a candy is lucky. In China, it is getting popular for the Chinese to have cake on their birthday. But many people still eat very long noodles for their birthday. They never cut up the noodles because of the long noodles are a symbol of long life. In some places, Chinese people also ate eggs on their birthday. They are a symbol of life and good luck. All of these birthday food may be different, and the ideas are the same. They take good luck to the birthday person.

  • 6. (2018·成都模拟) Find the only mistake in each line and correct it.

    Except a political and business center,        

    Edinburgh is also an important center for culture.

    The Edinburgh festival taken place every July    

    attracts people from the whole world. It

    is also known as the home of the best-sold    

    writer such as J.K Rowling, who created a magic    

    world of Harry Porter and his friends, and Sir

    Walter Scott, who once writes many novels about    

    Scottish life. There is a sculpture of him in the

    central of the city, the Scott Monument. The old    

    town is a very good area for shopping. The streets

    are pretty narrow, but always crowded with tourists    

    and shoppers, especially at weekend. There's also

    a street market on Sunday there you can find all    

    sorts of arts and crafts. If you will pay a visit to    

    Edinburgh, don't forget to bring some warm

    clothes. Because it is in the evenings when it    

    usually gets cold.

  • 7. (2018九下·黄石月考) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一篇作文,文中







        My parents and I spent half a month in New York last year. We went to there in autumn. We think it is best season to visit America. The weather is usually cool or there aren't too many tourist in October. We stayed in a hotel in the center of the city. It was conveniently as we travelled most on foot. We couldn't understand the bus routes, and my parents didn't like travelled by underground. I went to look at the places that all tourists went to see. We went shopping in Times Square and spend too much money. What we liked most were going to the theater. We don't have the chance to see so wonderful plays at home.

  • 8. (2018·岳池模拟) 下面短文中划线部分有误,请改正。

        Most children likes watching TV very much. And they like watching cartoons every day. But watching TV too much is bad for them. When do children like watching TV? Because they think it is interested and easy to watching TV. They can hear the voices and watch the moving pictures at a same time. They can see and learn a lot from it. They also learn newer and better ways of do something. They may find that the world is becoming smaller or smaller. Many child watch TV only on Saturday and Sunday evening. Because they are busy in their lessons on weekdays. And some children watch TV every night. So they go to bed too late. It is harmful to their healthy.

