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更新时间:2022-03-14 浏览次数:62 类型:高考模拟
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What do we know about the woman?
      A . She can't read music. B . She will leave the college. C . She keeps playing the piano.
    2. (2) What is the relationship between the speakers?
      A . Teacher and student. B . Schoolmales. C . Father and daughter.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why did the woman talk to the man?
      A . To get a phone number. B . To look into a matter. C . To ask something about Sam.
    2. (2) What will the woman do next?
      A . Phone Sam for help. B . Go to meet Bill. C . Help the man.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the man doing?
      A . Searching for a parking lot. B . Giving directions to a stranger. C . Driving to the woman's.
    2. (2) Where is the man now?
      A . Outside a bar. B . Outside a hotel. C . Outside a restaurant.
    3. (3) What is lhe man going to do next?
      A . Get to a hospital. B . Go back along Queen Street. C . Find a road sign.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What are the speakers mainly talking about?
      A . The man's job promotion. B . The man's education. C . The man's pay raise.
    2. (2) How many years did it take the man to move up to Grade 5?
      A . About 4. B . About 5. C . About 6.
    3. (3) Who can get the chance to go to school for more training?
      A . Those who learn quickly. B . Those who are above Grade 5. C . Those who pass the training test.
    4. (4) How does the man feel about the chance of training?
      A . Excited. B . Disappointed. C . Uninterested.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the speaker advise the New Yorkers to do?
      A . Take an umbrella. B . Enjoy the outdoors. C . Wear warm clothes.
    2. (2) What is the low temperature in Los Angeles?
      A . 79℃ B . 13℃ C . 19℃
    3. (3) What will the weather be like in London and Paris?
      A . It will be cloudy and a little wet. B . Strong winds are expected. C . It will be sunny and dry.
    4. (4) Which place can expect some badly-needed rain?
      A . Los Angeles. B . Sydney. C . London.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Chugach State Park

    Chugach State Park is the largest urban park in the world, spanning more than 200, 000 hectares(公顷).In fact, it is almost ten times as large as Table Mountain National Park, the world's second-largest. Chugach State Park is located in Anchorage. Alaska. The park itself contains various different geographical features, including tall mountains, foothills, lakes, and rivers. It also includes hiking trails that are very popular with tourists.

    Pedra Branca State Park

    It is an urban park spanning 12,394 hectares in one of Brazil's largest cities, Rio de Janeiro. It can more accurately be described as an urban forest. The park protects half of what is known as the Atlantic Forest remnant of Rio de Janeiro. It contains more than 900 species of plants and almost 500 different species of birds, mammals, reptiles, and fish.

    Margalla Hills National Park

    The ihird-biggest urban park in (he world, consisting of 17, 386 hectares > is located in (he city of Islamabad, which is the capital of The South Asian nation of Pakistan. The park was established in 1980. The park boasts several species of birds, reptiles, and mammals, and it is an extension of the Islamabad wildlife sanctuary (鸟兽保护区).It also includes several hiking trails that are popular with tourists and locals.

    Bukhansan National Park

    It is located in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. The park itself, which has an area of 7,992 hectares, has been designated by the Guinness Book of World Records as the "Most Visited National Park per Unit Area/' and is visited by an estimated 5 million people a year. It is very popular with hikers and contains Buddhist temples. The park is also home to around 3, 100 animal species.

    1. (1) What do we know about Table Mountain National Park?
      A . It is located in the US. B . It is the largest urban park. C . It has an area of 20 .000 hectares or so. D . It's the most famous for its different species.
    2. (2) Which is your best choice if you are interested in studying varieties of plants?
      A . Chugach State Park. B . Pedra Branca State Park. C . Bukhansan National Park. D . Margalla Hills National Park.
    3. (3) What do Margalla Hills National Park and Bukhansan National Park have in common?
      A . Both of them lie in Asia. B . Both of them are of the same size. C . Both of them are especially popular with foreigners. D . Both of them are home to endangered animal species
  • 12. 阅读理解

    On Septenber 29,2019, two days before the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, 89一year一old Yuan Longping was awarded the Medal of the Republic, the country's highest honor for his extraordinary contribution to the nation's food security, the development of agricultural science, and global food supply. t4A tiny grain could either save a country or bring it down. The importance of fcx)d security should never be underestimated,'' said Yuan, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.

    The 2019 State of Food Security and Nuiridon in the World report shows that over 820 m山ion people are suffering from hunger and the world is facing huge challenges in achieving the sustainable development goal of zero hunger by 2030. According to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, there are four factors in food security: physical availability of food, economic and physical access to food, food use, and stability of the other three factors over time. Between 1979 and 2005, China received fcx)d aid from the UN World Food Program(WFP) which benefited over 30 million people nationwide. Starting from 2016, however, the partnership between China and the WFP witnessed a total transformation: China turned from a major aid recipient to a leading aid donor, supporting millions of malnourished(营养不良的)people beyond its borders.

    Innovation(仓4新)in science and technology is one of the driving forces behind this change. Yuan is considered a pioneer in the field of food science and technology. He has dedicated himself to the research, application and promotion of hybrid rice for decades. The super hybrid rice that his team cultivated can yield nearly 18.1 ton per hectare, setting a new world record. Hence, Yuan is regarded as the ^father of hybrid rice."

    "Food safety is of very importance to the national economy and people's livelihood. As an agronomist, I felt that I should focus on this area,'' Yuan told CGTN. "My biggest hope is to make sure that the 'rice bowl' is firmly held in our own hands so that we, as a country, can feed ourselves.

    1. (1) What do we know about Yuan from the first paragraph?
      A . He gained much support from WFP. B . He contributed a lot to global food supply. C . He changed people's wrong ideas on food security. D . He won the Medal of the Republic for the second time.
    2. (2) What does the author think of the aim of zero hunger by 2030?
      A . Impractical. B . Impossible. C . Necessary. D . Difficult.
    3. (3) According to this passage, what has happened to China since 2016?
      A . China has helped many countries a lot in food supply. B . China has still received food supply from the UN. C . There have been no malnourished people. D . There have been no problems of food safety.
    4. (4) Which is Yuan Longping's main drcam?
      A . Food safety is no more a problem. B . He can improve people's livelihood. C . China can feed itself all by itself. D . He has more innovation in food.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    While verbal and written communication skills are important, nonverbal behaviors make up a large percentage of our daily interpersonal communication.

    Good eye contact is an essential nonverbal communication skill. When people fail to look at others in the eye, it can seem as if they are trying to hide something. On the other hand, too much eye contact can seem aggressive. While eye contact is an important part of communication, ifs important to remember that good eye contact does not mean staring fixedly into someone's eyes. Some communication experts recommend intervals of eye contact lasting four to five seconds.

    If you are confused about another person's nonverbal signals, don't be afraid to ask questions. A good idea is to repeat back your interpretation of what has been said and ask for clarification. An example of this might be: "So what you are saying is that..." Sometimes simply asking such questions can lend a great deal of clarity to a situation. For example, a person might be giving off certain nonverbal signals because he has something else on his mind.

    Another important part of good nonverbal communication skills involves being able to take a more holistic approach to what a person is communicating. A single gesture can mean any number of things, or maybe even nothing at all. The key to accurately reading nonverbal behavior is to look for groups of signals that reinforce a common point. If you place too much emphasis on just one signal out of many, you might come to an inaccurate conclusion about what a person is trying to say.

    According to some, a firm handshake indicates a strong personality while a weak handshake is taken as a lack of courage. This example illustrates an important point about the possibility of misreading nonverbal signals. A limp handshake might actually indicate something else entirely, such as arthritis (关节炎).Always remember to look for groups of behavior.

    1. (1) What is good eye contact?
      A . Looking others in the eye for six seconds. B . Staring fixedly into someone's eyes. C . Looking directly and tell the truth. D . Having eye contact every five seconds.
    2. (2) What should you do if you don't understand another person's nonverbal signals?
      A . Give him a smile. B . Ask for further information. C . Tell him you're on his mind. D . Give off certain nonverbal signals.
    3. (3) What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?
      A . Look at signals as a whole. B . Concentrate on your communication skills. C . Ask questions about nonverbal signals. D . Encourage listeners to use groups of signals.
    4. (4) Why does the author mention arthritis in the last paragraph?
      A . To call on readers to understand others while speaking. B . Tb ask readers to practice nonverbal signals more. C . Tb tell readers signals can be misread. D . Tb prove a single gesture is a must.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Facebook announced today that it exceeded (超越)one of its biggest environmental goals: it managed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 94 percent in 2020. It had previously promised to cut planet-heating emissions by 75 percent. The company said that it had also achieved its goal of "net zero emissions''.

    Facebook also announced that it had achieved another goal: it now purchases enough renewable energy to cover 100 percent of its global operations, which includes its offices and data centers. But that doesn't mean that all of its operations are actually powered by renewables like solar and wind energy—at least not yet.

    Renewable energy is on the rise, but most electricity grids (电网) still rely on fossil fuels. When companies can't purchase enough renewable energy from utilities because there isn't enough supply, they buy renewable energy certificates that signal that the company invested in renewable energy projects somewhere. Those projects can be located anywhere, and certificates have been sold for so cheap that experts say they don't really lead to more renewable energy production. Facebook also relies on renewable energy certificates, but it focuses on signing long-term contracts to support the construciion of new solar and wind developments in the same places where it operates. Is invested in 63 new renewable energy projects located on the same electrical grids as its data centers.

    Facebook has recently also tried to limit misinformation about climate change on its platform. Last year, it launched a "Climate Science Information Center'' in some countries. In the UK this year, it started adding a label to some posts about climate change that redirect people to its information cenler. lt all comes on the heels of criticism from activists and policy makers over how misinformation about climate change festered on the site, including one famous case of Facebook re versing (撤丰肖)a ''false'' rating that its fact -checkers gave based on inaccurate information.

    1. (1) W hat achievement did Facebook gain recently?
      A . It totally used solar and wind energy for its operations. B . It cut down its climate pollution more than planned. C . It reached its goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions. D . It invested a new renewable energy project.
    2. (2) How do the experts respond to the renewable energy certificate?
      A . They pay little attention to it. B . They have become bored with it. C . They think it is a waste of money. D . They think it brings little actual benefit.
    3. (3) Which can best take the place of the underlined word ''festered'' in paragraph 4?
      A . Recognized. B . Exchanged. C . Worsened. D . Decreased.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be a best title fbr the text?
      A . Facebook hit several key climate goals B . Take action to prevent climate change C . Renewable energy is mankind's hope D . Say no to greenhouse gas emissions
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    There are certain things that can only be learned through experiences. The benefit of having a mentor (导师) is one of the best examples.  For the first time, I had someone not telling me what to do but helping me look at my options and finding an answer.

    Through the Pearson Scholarship for Higher Education, I met my mentor, Lindsey Erlick. She wasn't so stubborn as I had thought.  Instead of only talking about her experiences, she wanted to understand why I looked at things the way I did. Helping my mentor understand my perspective helped me better understand myself. This mentorship experience proved to me there is so much about me I never knew.

     Growing up I was often taught to pursue things with a reward in mind. Moving away from the reward and trying things for the experience helped me to better understand what I really wanted to do with my life. I never knew how much potential I had until I was pushed to my limits. There were so many experiences I was passing up just because I was shy.

    When my mentor shared her struggles, I think I realized how similar we really are. She battled stage fright just like me and seeing how she overcomes it every day in her job gave me the confidence that 1 could do it, too.

    I realized that I loved being the change I wanted to see. My shyness melted away and I have confidence in voicing my beliefs.  I joined various non - profit organizations that focused on helping the people in the community.

    A. A mentoring relationship is valuable.

    B. She was a very understanding person.

    C. Communicating with others became a passion.

    D. My experience as a learner was a key moment in my life.

    E. I noticed my confidence brought about a sea of opportunities.

    F. I gained opportunities to interact with my experienced mentor.

    G My mentor often challenged me to find things I was passionate about.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Susan Baker King Taylor was born into slavery in Georgia in 1848. At the age of 7, Susan and her brother were 1 to live with their grandmother in Savannah. Even with the 2 laws against formal education of African Americans, they both attended two 3 schools taught by black women. Susan soon became a 4reader and writer.

    After 5 slavery with her uncle and others, she joined hundreds of formerly enslaved refugees (难民) at Union-occupied St. Simons Island off Georgia's southern coast where she claimed her 6 . At just 14 years old, she became the first black teacher to 7 educate African Americans in Georgia.

    She married Edward King, a black officer. When she wasn't working as a nurse, she 8 soldiers to read and write and ''learned to 9 a musket (火枪)very well... and could shoot straight and often hit the target/' she wrote in her memoirs (回忆录).

    While working as a nurse at a hospital for African American 10 in Beaumont, South Carolina, she met and 11 Clara Barton, the pioneering nurse who would 12 the American Red Cross. After the war.

    Susan and her husband moved to Savannah and opened a 13 for African American children in 1 866.

    In 1902, Susan became the first and only African American woman to write a memoir about her14 in the Civil War. She wrote of the persistent racism decades after the conflict, but 15 a glorious time of the fight for freedom.

    A . driven B . approved C . sent D . represented
    A . strict B . equal C . selfish D . accessible
    A . secret B . terrible C . mean D . amazing
    A . regular B . anxious C . attractive D . skilled
    A . escaping B . reviewing C . appointing D . receiving
    A . recognition B . membership C . freedom D . value
    A . slightly B . hardly C . partly D . openly
    A . won B . remembered C . taught D . reminded
    A . dream B . handle C . attract D . challenge
    A . relatives B . officers C . teammates D . soldiers
    A . gave up B . worked with C . woke up D . stood out
    A . protect B . assist C . establish D . respond
    A . school B . time C . reply D . history
    A . information B . experiences C . restrictions D . explanations
    A . stuck with B . stared at C . knocked on D . reflected on
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    "Multiple measures have been taken to stop illegal use of farmland,'' a Ministry of Natural Resources official  (tell) a news conference on Monday.

    Together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the ministry released two notices in July. One banned the illegal use of farmland  real estate (地产)projects and the other sought  (ensure) reasonable land use for housing construction in rural areas.

    Since the release of the two notices, several regions  (raise) public awareness about the legal use of farmland through short television  (program) or online films in local dialects.

    Inspections and law enforcement (执行)have also been strengthened in recent months, with satellite remote sensing being introduced.

    "The central government has attached great  (important) to farmland protection, the ministry said. Those involved in the illegal use, sale and transfer of permanent farmland covering more than 0.33 hectares or ordinary farmland covering more than 0.66 hectares will be sued. Farmland in China (classify) as permanent when its use for nonagricultural purposes is banned. Ordinary farmland can be used for other purposes in certain circumstances.

    China will establish  national territorial (领土的)planning system by the end of this year. It w山 be guided by three "red lines", one of  will include about 103 million hectares of permanent farmland with the aim of boosting safety, improving quality and (prevent) nonagricultural use.

  • 18. 假如你是一名国际学校学生李华。你校"驴友社团"(Travel Club)正在招纳一名业余导游。请你用英语 给负责老师Jim写一封电子邮件,申请加入。要点如下:






    Dear Jim,


    Yours, Li Hua

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    One of my most memorable trips took place during the summer vacation about three years ago, when my sister, my aunt and I took a trip to Spain because we were moving. On the day of the trip, I lay in bed thinking about my friends whom I was going to leave behind and thoughts were flooding in.

    When we arrived at the hire station, we seemed to have some problems with our luggage because it was too much for a taxi, so we had to book a van (厢式送货车)to lake our luggage to the airport. We waited for a long period to find a perfect van that would fit our luggage.

    Before leaving, I fell very bad because I was going to a different country and was going to miss all my friends and family. I was not comfortable and cried.

    The journey was almost perfect at the beginning, but soon it began to rain. Because of the rain, the drivers could not see far away, which caused a huge traffic jam. I was sitting by the window with a can of Coke that I had bought in the store earlier. My aunt and sister fell asleep, and during this lime, I felt bored and thought about other things that bothered me. My eyes turned to the mountain in front of us.

    A bus suddenly appeared in the picture. It was very close to us. Cars sped past us without any speed limit. Beside me was a very deep lake: I wondered to myself what if something or someone fell inside it. Suddenly, a bus in front of our van stopped, and because it was raining heavily and the van was going fast, no one could see what was going to happen. Then, bang, we bumped into each other. Our van overturned, but luckily, it didn't fall into the lake. People came to help us get out of the van because we were blocked and the driver was half-dead.



    We struggled to get out of the van and everything we had was gone.   


    I was losing a lot of blood and then the emergency aid came.

