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更新时间:2022-05-18 浏览次数:94 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    Clever Monkey is a teacher and doctor at school. Every day, he receives many messages on WeChat. Students like to tell him their secrets and problems and ask him for help. Of course, Clever Monkey is really glad to reply to them.

    I am one of the best students in my class. But I always make some mistakes which I should not make. And now, I'm afraid to see my teachers. I just don't know how to face them. Can you tell me how I can solve the problem? —Molly

    The first thing you need to do is to relax. Worrying about your studies is not going to help. And if you have any difficulties, tell your teachers. No teacher is going to get angry with a student who wants to be better. —Clever Monkey

    I was brought up(抚养)by my grandparents and began to live with my parents two years ago for a better study. They love me and I can see this in their eyes. But I don't know how to show my love to them. What can I do to let them know I also love them?—Sara

    If you want to show your love to your parents, that's great. Remember their birthdays and buy them cards and presents. Try to spend time with your parents. Tell them how you feel. Try to enjoy your life. Your parents want you to be happy. If you are happy, they will be happy, too. —Clever Monkey

    I'm always late for school. I try not to be, but I can't. Please give me some advice and tell me what to do. —Tommy

    You are late for school probably because you go to bed too late. My advice is to go to bed earlier and buy a clock to wake you up on time. —Clever Monkey

    1. (1) How many suggestions does Clever Monkey give Molly?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    2. (2) Why did Sara begin to live with her parents two years ago?
      A . Because her grandparents loved her. B . Because she loved her parents very much. C . Because her parents wanted her to go to a better school. D . Because she wanted to live with her parents.
    3. (3) Which is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Tommy has a clock to wake him up on time. B . Sara feels unhappy because she doesn't know how to show love to grandparents. C . Molly is still a good student though she always makes some mistakes. D . Clever Monkey replies to students by writing them letters.
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    Many kids help parents to do chores in the house. They may take out the trash, walk the dog or clean the floor. In return, some kids get money or other rewards(报酬)from their parents, such as 20 minutes to play computer games.

    But some people do not think that kids should get rewards for doing chores. One of them is Jane Smith, a family educator(教育者). She believes if kids get rewards, they may think that work isn't worth(值得)doing unless you get something in return. For example, kids won't clean the floor if they see it is dirty. But they will do it if their parents reward them for it.

    "Every house is a team work," Jane said. "A home is a living place for everyone in the family. It's important for kids to see that we all have a responsibility(责任)to keep our home clean. "

    Other people have different opinions. They believe that money or other rewards encourage(鼓励)kids to do more chores. It also teaches them real world lessons. They can learn about how we need to work to make money.

    Now, there are also apps that encourage kids to do chores. The apps give kids points and digital(电子的)gifts that can be used either online or in life. With the Chore Monster, kids get digital points after doing chores. Kids can exchange their points for real rewards, such as time to play video games or a trip to the mall. "Our purpose(目的)is to encourage kids so they can get rewards. " says Joe Black, the founder(创始人)of Chore Monster. "Kids need positive(积极的)power to make them do chores. "

    1. (1) Jane Smith thinks that________.
      A . housework isn't worth doing B . kids shouldn't get rewards for doing chores C . kids should get something in return D . kids shouldn't do chores at home
    2. (2) Chore Monster is a(n)________.
      A . educator B . coach C . app D . founder
    3. (3) What's the purpose of the apps mentioned in the passage?
      A . To give kids points and gifts. B . To encourage kids to do chores. C . To exchange points for real rewards. D . To encourage kids to play video games.
    4. (4) The passage mainly talks about
      A . whether kids should be rewarded for doing chores B . how to encourage kids to do chores C . why we encourage kids to do chores D . whether kids should do chores at home
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    My parents hardly let me ask for help, so I trained myself to do things just by myself. I thought if I asked for help, I would be a problem to other people.

    A few days ago, I was on a trip. To save money, I planned to stay in someone's house. When arrived in the house owner's city, it was raining hard. My host was very friendly. She invited me to take a walk around her city. But I didn't have the right shoes for the bad weather. I wondered if she had any shoes for me, but finally, I said nothing.

    It was really cold outside and the heavy rain made my shoes wet. When we got home three hours later, I had lost feeling in my feet. That was all because I wouldn't ask a simple thing like, "Could you find a pair of good shoes for me?"

    From that day on, I tried hard to overcome(克服)the fear to ask. It took me a long time. I've found that people are always happy to offer help. What's more, asking isn't a sign of weakness. Asking gives you the chance to find the kindness of others.

    Go to ask someone. The worst answer is just "no" while the best answer is an experience you'll never forget.

    1. (1) What should the writer be in his parents' eyes?
      A . Talented. B . Clever. C . Independent. D . Careful.
    2. (2) In Paragraph 2, why did the writer say nothing in the end?
      A . Because the host didn't have any good shoes for him. B . Because the writer didn't want to cause trouble for the host. C . Because the host told the writer not to borrow anything from her. D . Because the writer thought it was not necessary.
    3. (3) What happened to the writer after the trip?
      A . The writer learned a lesson from the trip. B . The writer bought himself some warm shoes. C . The writer was still afraid to talk with others. D . The writer spent a long time helping poor people.
    4. (4) What does the writer want to tell us?
      A . Helping others is always a good thing. B . Don't go outside on rainy and windy days. C . Don't be afraid to ask for help if you are in trouble. D . Always ask for help, never try to make it by yourself.
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    Imagine you are watching a movie you have been waiting for months to see at a movie theater. All of a sudden, a man's cell phone rings. Not only does the man answer it, but he keeps talking on the phone for a long time. Situations like this make many people need the cell blocking equipment(屏蔽设备). While this is quite understandable, it's much fairer and safer to allow people to use their cell phones in movie theaters.

    Using cell phones in movie theaters is a matter of culture. If you look around a theater, most people are not using phones and are enjoying the film they paid to see. The few bad apples are those who are rude in almost all situations, and those who shout at waiters and cut in line. Putting in the equipment would cause trouble for everyone, not just the impolite, but the polite people as well.

    There are also some people who disagree to put in the cell phone blocking equipment because of emergency situations(紧急情况). There are times when people might be getting a message that need them to leave the theater at once.

    Putting in the cell phone blocking equipment would be unfair to those who know how to use their phones politely. The answer to this problem is to make sure rules are followed, not to stop everyone in the theater from using their cell phones.

    1. (1) The man mentioned in Paragraph 1 can be described as_______.
      A . shy B . impolite C . strict D . friendly
    2. (2) According to the text, the bad apples_______.
      A . are rude not just in movie theaters B . show no interest in movies at all C . welcome the blocking equipment D . like to spend money on the newest phone
    3. (3) How does the writer tell us that the cell blocking equipment is bad for emergency situations?
      A . By giving examples. B . By comparing two situations. C . By giving advice. D . By sharing a saying.
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the passage?
      A . How should people watch a film in movie theaters? B . How should people buy the cell phone blocking equipment in movie theaters? C . Should people use others' cell phones in movie theaters? D . Should people use the cell phone blocking equipment in movie theaters?
  • 5. 下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Ring, ring, ring, the alarm bell sounds. It's school time again! After a long holiday, are you ready for the new term? You may feel excited to see your classmates, or a little nervous about the coming schoolwork. Heading back to school is aim of transition(过渡). How can we fit in the new term? Here are some ways to make the transition from holiday to school a little easier.

    It's very normal to feel nervous on the first day of school. Getting back to the school routines(常规)and fitting in new school work take some time after a long break. So how can we deal with(处理)our worries? Just think about your first day in the past years. Everything will go well once you get used to it. Just relax and wait.

    People say "a good beginning is half done" A good plan is surely needed before the new term. Think about what you can do better this term than the last. Make a plan and try to go for it!

    If you went to bed and got up late during the holiday, you will have to change your body clock back to normal. Go to bed earlier the week before classes start. This way, you won't be tired after the first few days of school. Also, having some warm-ups is helpful. Doing exercise and practicing morning reading every day are some other good ideas to get ready for the new school-year schedule.

    It makes you feel good if you are prepared and have all the things you need. Check all the homework you need to do a week earlier. And it's better to pack your schoolbag the night before school starts.

    What about wearing something you like? Maybe you got a new schoolbag during the holiday, or new sports shoes that can put a spring in your step. If you wear a school uniform, you can wear your favorite watch or a new hair band to show your personal style.

    A. Start your school-year schedule.                 B. Back to school fashion.

    C. Deal with your worries.                     D. Prepare your school things.

    E. Say goodbye to last year.                     F. Make a plan and practice.


  • 6. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

    The first note I ever wrote for my mother said "Hi, Mom! Have a nice day! Love, Marie!" I was twelve when I wrote, and I folded the1into her change purse(零钱包).

    My mother worked as a cleaner in a clothing factory. I knew that when she2meals in the dining hall, she would have to look for change in her purse. I didn't know that she would3that note, and always carry it with her.

    From the day that I 4folded the small piece of paper into my mother's change purse, she and I left each other5notes. They would be put in the fridge, under a lamp, or beside the TV set, I6found one hidden (藏)in my shoe. From the outside, our notes may have been general records(记录)of our days, ideas and7. But to my mother and8, they were a lifeline--a communication with each other that no one else9.

    On October 20, 2020, my mother10after a long illness. I stood near her bed, holding her hand. I didn't cry the day my mom died,11I didn't cry a week later when I went to collect(收集)her things. I was so thankful that she no longer had aches and12.

    Recently, I found a note that my mom had13me. It had been hidden in the14of my favorite childhood book for years. It reads "Dear Marie, I love you always. Miss you a lot. Don't forget me. Be 15Love, Mom. " That day I cried.

    A . note B . book C . diary D . letter
    A . prepared B . made C . bought D . cooked
    A . forget B . keep C . lose D . pick
    A . carefully B . slowly C . quickly D . carelessly
    A . big B . funny C . secret D . sad
    A . always B . never C . even D . sometimes
    A . ideas B . days C . weeks D . wishes
    A . her B . me C . him D . us
    A . shared B . believed C . promised D . remembered
    A . disabled B . slept C . lay D . died
    A . and B . but C . or D . because
    A . gifts B . pains C . notes D . mistakes
    A . lent B . sent C . passed D . left
    A . letters B . e-mails C . pages D . pictures
    A . serious B . happy C . busy D . strict
  • 7. 阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。

    A little stream(小溪)ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests. Then it reached a desert(沙漠). "I went through so many (difficulty). I should have no problem (cross) the desert," she though. As she started, she found 53. (her)slowly vanishing(消失)into the sand. After many tries, she still failed. "Maybe I can't reach the ocean." she said (sad) to herself.

    At this time, a deep voice said, " the wind can cross the desert, a river can also do it." It was the voice of the desert. But the little stream answered, "That's because the wind can fly, but I can't." "That's because you can't give up you are. Let yourself evaporate(蒸发)into the wind and it can take you across me. "said the desert. "Give up what I am now? No! No!" The little stream could not accept that. "The wind can carry the vapor(水蒸气) across the desert and lei it leave as rain. The rain will form a river again. " said the desert. "And whether you're a river or vapor, your nature never changes." hearing this, the little stream went into the open arms of the wind. It (carry) her to the next stage of her life

    The course of our lives is just like experience of the little stream. If you want to go through difficulties in your life (become) successful, you should also change the way you are.

  • 18. 假如你是Peter的好朋友Wang Lin。根据他给你的求助信,给他一些表扬或建议。

    Dear Wang Lin,

    How is everything going? I'm very sad now.

    Last Saturday, I volunteered at the Children's Home. I did many things to cheer them up. When I was cleaning the window, it suddenly rained heavily. When I made my way home, I got all wet. The next day, I had a bad cold. However, I didn't finish most of my homework. So I copied my classmate's homework. At that time, my mum came back. When she saw that, she was really angry. We argued. Now, we don't talk to each other. What should I do?

    Look forward to your letter.

    Thank you.





    2)提示词:feel proud(自豪), kindness, feel sorry, lie down, communicate with, understanding, care for.


    Dear Peter,

    I am glad to hear from you.

