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更新时间:2022-12-16 浏览次数:52 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解


    The fitness centre offers a variety of activities for members of all ages throughout the week

    Activities for Monday 12 July, 2017:

    Learn to swim.

    Classes for preschool children aged five and under start at 10:00 am. Classes last 30 minutes and parents must attend with their children. Don't forget to book in advance, as Places are limited, and to pack some warm clothes for after the lesson.

    Woman's aerobics.

    Sessions are for one hour and begin at 10:45 am, led by Melissa. Come along and join us every Monday for an exhilarating hour of exercise and fun. Leave your kids at the nursery and take time out for yourself. Wear a track-suit or something similar.

    Lunchtime yoga.

    Take a break at lunchtime (1:00—2:00 pm) for an hour of meditation and yoga. Enjoy the peace and quiet of our meditation room, and relaxing sessions designed for active people with busy lives. Use your own mat for floor work or hire one from us for a small sum.

    Family Shoot around. (10:00—5:30 pm.)

    Family Shoot around is open for members and guests to bring the family out for basketball.

    Half court games are only during this time. There are no full court games during Family Shoot around hours. All participants must sign in at the front desk and wear a wristband during the play.

    1. (1) When will Melissa be working?
      A . From 10:00 am to 5:30 pm. B .   From 10:00 am to 10:30 am.    C . From 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. D . From 10:45 am to 11:45 am.
    2. (2) Which activity may need extra fees?
      A . Family Shoot around. B . Women's aerobics. C . Lunchtime yoga. D . Learn to swim.
    3. (3) What is the common requirement of the activities?
      A . The need to book in advance. B . The need to bring something. C . The need to become a member D . The need to sign in.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    My friend Jennifer was going to be at my school! I was convinced that we would be best friends. She introduced me to her friend Amy and we had lots of fun together. But things started to change. Jennifer wanted to be the "leader" of our little group. She was controlling, and I couldn't make new friends. If I made new friends, she would decide that I was "mad at her".

    Pretty soon being Jennifer's friend was a struggle.

    I always waited for Jennifer and Amy after class, but sometimes when they left, they'd right past me as if they couldn't even see me.

    We often gossiped about people and I soon realized that nobody was good enough for Jennifer. She had a list of bad things about everybody, even Amy, and about me, I had changed--I became Moody, depressed, and lonely. I spent days trying not to cry. I felt so left out.

    Finally, something snapped. I was sick of having to battle for friendship I stopped sitting with Jennifer at lunch and waiting for her after class. Jennifer quickly announced I was "mad at her" I said, "I'm not mad, I just want to make more friends" But to Jennifer, it was all for nothing, and she was convinced I was mad at her, our friendship fell to pieces.

    It was tough at first, but I found many girls whom Jennifer had classified as "moody" or 'mean' to be the sweetest, friendliest people in the world.

    Now, I have tons of friends. They support me when I am sad and I support them. We have fun together and I love them all. It amazes me how easy our friendship is. There is no struggling to be on top--we are all equal. It doesn't matter to me if two of them walk away or buy friendship necklaces together. It doesn't hurt my feelings or make me feel alone.

    I lost a friend, but I am a happier person now.

    1. (1) The writer thought Jennifer______.
      A . rather annoying and dull B . the right one to make friends with C . too self-centered D . far too outstanding to match
    2. (2) What does the underlined part "something snapped" mean?
      A . The writer and Jennifer broke up B . Jennifer treated the writer worse C . The writer felt mad about losing Jennifer D . The writer and Jennifer hated each other
    3. (3) The writer decided to break up with Jennifer because______.
      A . other girls were sweeter and friendlier than Jennifer B . Jennifer had hurt her feelings C . Jennifer spoke ill of her behind her back D . she had made other friends
    4. (4) What can be inferred from the passage?
      A . The writer's new friends are all moody and mean. B . The writer still gets upset when left out occasionally. C . The writer now regrets losing her friend Jennifer.   D . The writer enjoys more than just one friendship.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    One way to prevent anxiety from getting out of control is to recognize its benefits. It is a mistake to think that we'd make better decisions if only we keep our feelings under control.

    Instead, a mix of feelings like anxiety and logical thinking leads to sound decision- making.

    It's true that there is plenty of research showing that higher levels of anxiety can make us more likely to avoid risks in our decision—making. There is also evidence that anxiety can increase the attention you pay to relevant information.

    Recent studies have shown that people who are anxious about their relationship (for example, they fear to be abandoned tend to be better at recognizing people who tell lies and are more likely to raise the alarm when danger is present.

    In the real world though, it's worth realizing that feeling anxious once in a while is extremely common. It communicates to others that you care, and what's more, it's probably a sign that you are intelligent. At least two published studies have identified that people who score higher on measures of anxiety also tend to perform better on intelligence tests. This seems reasonable: if you're a thinker, you are sure to be always thinking about the future and imagine possible plots, including bad ones.

    The important thing, if you are a worrywart,is not to let your fear destroy your dreams.  

    And don't bury your head in the sand Instead, act on your fears—do the research as well as preparation, so rather than walking blindly into that which you fear, you meet the challenge in full readiness.

    When anxiety beats you, or casts a shadow over your life, this is a serious problem. No one is denying that. But like everyday anxiety of this kind that you feel before a presentation or an interview, you needn't see it as your enemy. Anxiety is an important feeling, developed through evolution. As for people who are fairly anxious by nature, there is reason for cheer, too. Your nerves are a sign of your watchfulness.

    Listen to them and act on them. Then you can turn your nervousness into your advantage.

    1. (1) What can we infer from the first paragraph about anxiety?
      A . It can be the only reason for all bad decisions. B . It can make us more willing to take risks. C . It can enable us to be more focused. D . It can stop us from thinking logically.
    2. (2) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . Feeling anxious is more likely to put people at risk. B . Anxious people are less sensitive to danger. C . Feeling anxious occasionally is a sign of intelligence.   D . Anxious people have difficulty discovering liars.
    3. (3) How should we deal with anxiety in the author's opinion?
      A . Treat it as a minor feeling. B . Avoid being defeated by it C . Regard it as our enemy. D . Take action to control it.
    4. (4) What is the theme of the passage?
      A . Tips on how to keep a good mood. B . Effective ways to prevent anxiety. C . Common misunderstandings about anxiety. D . Unexpected benefits of anxiety
  • 4. 阅读理解

    If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

    Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds, see through walls or have Superhuman strength may sound silly, but it actually gets to the heart of what really matters in your life.

    Every day in our work, we are inspired by the people we meet doing extraordinary things to improve the world.

    They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others.

    We're not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives to the poor. Your lives are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends, seeking after your dreams. But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself. Find an issue you are interested in and learn more. Volunteer or, if you can, contribute a little money to a cause. Whatever you do,don't be a bystander (旁观者).Get involved. You may have the opportunity to make your biggest

    difference when you're older. But why not start now?

    Our own experience working together on health, development, and energy the last twenty years has been one of the most rewarding parts of our lives. It has changed who we are and continues to fuel our optimism about how much the lives of the poorest people will improve in the years ahead.

    1. (1) What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2refer to?
      A . Your life style. B . Your trouble in life. C . Your life experience. D . Your life value.
    2. (2) Why does the author say they are inspired every day?
      A . They possess different kinds of superpowers. B . They have got the power to change the world. C . Some people around them are making the world better. D . There are many powerful people in their life and work.
    3. (3) What does the author stress in Paragraph 5?
      A . Learning more and contributing more to a cause. B . Working hard to get a bigger opportunity. C . Trying your best to help the poor. D . Rising above self and acting to help others.
    4. (4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
      A . The author believes the lives of the poorest will get better. B . Much more progress will be made in the near future. C . The work on health is the most valuable experience. D . People's efforts have been materially rewarded.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    This Way to Dreamland Daydreaming means people think about something pleasant, especially when this makes them forget what they should be doing. Daydreamers have a bad reputation for not realizing what's happening around them. They can seem forgetful and clumsyThey annoy us because they seem to be ignoring us and missing the important things..

    But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in human history.  Can you imagine what kind of world we would have without such ideas and inventions?  .

    So how can you come up with wonderful daydreams and avoid falling over tree roots or otherwise looking like a fool?

    First, understand that some opportunities for daydreaming are better than others. Feeling safe and relaxed will help you to slip into daydreams. And if you want to improve your chances of having a creative idea while you're daydreaming, try to do it while you are involved in another task—preferably something simple, like taking a shower or walking, or even making meaningless drawings.

    It's also important to know how to avoid daydreams for those times when you really need to concentrate. "Mindfulness", being focused, is a tool that some people use to avoid falling asleep.

    Finally, you never know what wonderful idea might strike while your mind has moved slowly away.

    Always remember that your best ideas might come when your head is actually in the clouds.

    A. Therefore, it's a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you're in the daydream zone.

    B. It involves slow, steady breathing for self-control that helps people stay calm and attentive.

    C. They stare off into space and wander by themselves.

    D. Without wandering minds, we wouldn't have relativity, Coke or Post—it notes.

    E. At one time, daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illnesses.

    F. Having interesting things to think about also helps.

    G. Daydreams are often very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABC和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Letting me move into my university dormitory wasn't an easy decision for my parents.

    However, they knew if I wanted a good1, I'd have to live away from home. I'd always2living alone: the life of no rules and regulations and being independent. So I was3with this new stage in my life.

    4, during the first few months of living alone I'd find myself crying every day. I'd call my mum every day. I5to fly back home as soon as I got any time off. That was the only thing I was6about. Coming from a big family, I was7to noises surrounding me.

    Therefore, the scary8at night was the worst. I couldn't even9without keeping the lights on.

    As time went by, I started enjoying the10that came with living alone. I could do things in my own time: eat whenever I want, wake up whenever I want. The space of loneliness was also then11by friends who became like family, so I12missing my family less.

    When it was time to say goodbye and go back home after my13I was bittersweet.

    I'd 14my time alone, learning things which wouldn't have been 15 if I had moved away from home. But I'd also missed my family too much.  

    I'd learned a lot from this16. Living alone made me value17 time even more. I realized that every second with them18though I might not get the freedom I had while living alone.

    I guess it's19 for everybody, but for me, there is no warmth in a house 20 it's filled with loving members and people you love.

    A . occupation B . education C . memory D . opportunity
    A . insisted on B . put off C . dreamed of D . kept on
    A . delighted B . serious C . cautious D . worried
    A . Unconditionally B . Unexpectedly C . Unwillingly D . Undoubtedly
    A . pretended B . failed C . refused D . wanted
    A . certain B . particular C . concerned D . disappointed
    A . accustomed B . deaf C . opposed D . cruel
    A . darkness B . silence C . boredom D . suffering
    A . play B . move C . talk D . sleep
    A . freedom B . safety C . confidence D . relief
    A . set aside B . taken over C . filled up D . thrown away
    A . started B . resisted C . preferred D . practiced
    A . promotion B . graduation C . recovery D . resignation
    A . desired B . regretted C . hated D . enjoyed
    A . worthwhile B . useful C . reliable D . possible
    A . experience B . adventure C . challenge D . arrangement
    A . family B . growth C . work D . study
    A . repeated B . counted C . flew D . stayed
    A . meaningless B . hard C . different D . common
    A . once B . when C . though D . unless
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before human being came into existence. Unfortunately, they died out because of an(expect) incident. But wildlife today disappears or is in danger just because humans do harmit. For example, tigers are hunted for fur to make carpets, so that they only live in secure reserves; grassland  (destroy) without mercy, so that dust storms come into being affecting distant cities. Last year, scientists saw some monkeys rubbing themselves with a certain kind of insects(prevent) themselves from being bitten by fierce mosquitoes. According to the result of the inspection, they found that the insect containspowerful drug. As a result, local farmers were employed to catch the insects, led to their disappearance from the whole zone. When told that it was a loss to humans, the farmers burst into laughter and responded, "Our real loss is our(decrease) income." Therefore, we human beings should appreciate the natural balance and pay (much) attention to the importance of wildlife(protect) than before. Not until we succeed in letting wildlife live(peace), can we smile in relief.

五、单词拼写:根据句子,填入适合句意的单词的正确形式,每空只能填一词。(共10小题,计10分)(只限Book 5 Unit1--Unit4单词)。
  • 18. 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    We high school students do have some growing pains, and we can get rid of them correctly and wisely. First, some of us are upset with our body figures and looks. It's necessary and it's not important at all. We needn't care for it. It is one's inner beauty which matters. Second, we sometimes seemed to be misunderstood by our the teachers, parents and classmates. Facing this, we can find a properly time to have a heart-to-heart talk with them, try to remove the misunderstanding. Third, we may fall behind others, which make us stressed. All we need to do is to encourage ourselves work harder, full of determination.

  • 19. "Where there is a will, there is a way."是一句英语名言。请以此为题用英语写一篇100~120词的短文。要求如下:






    Where there is a will, there is a way.

