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    Do you think there is too much noise in our city? perhaps you do. If you live near an airport, you will probably feel unhappy because of the noise of jet planes (喷气式飞机). It is said that the noise of planes or trains or trucks can make one deaf if he keeps on hearing it.

    Noise is a kind of pollution. However, most people in our city do not seem to mind noise. They do not know it harmful to their health. They like to enjoy music when they are doing their work. It is a new danger that music is played through powerful loudspeakers. It can reach 120 decibels (分贝).

    It is known that continuous noise of over 85 decibels can make people deaf. For example, when newspapers and books are being printed, the noise is over 85 decibels, and some of the workers become deaf. Scientists believe that 10%b of all the workers in British printing offices have been deafened (使......聋) by the noise. Besides, noise of less than 85 decibels can make some people tired and anxious. We all know that too much noise makes life difficult and unpleasant. It can do great harm to health and prevent people from working well. Workers in noisy offices are not so efficient (有效的) as workers in quiet offices. Noise makes people less efficient. Can anything be done to keep down noise?

    In Britain, the government has made several laws to keep down noise. It has spent a good deal of money making airports and main roads quieter. In Japan, America and Canada there are such laws, too.

    1. (1) Many people working in printing offices become deaf because         .
      A . they keep on hearing the noise of the machines B . they are not used to the noise of the machines C . the noise of the machines is below 85 decibels D . they don't know the noise will harm their hearing
    2. (2) If you often hear the noise below 85 decibels, you will        .
      A . become deaf B . feel tired C . be happy D . worker harder
    3. (3) Workers in noisy offices are not so        as workers in quiet offices.
      A . efficient B . harmful C . tired D . unpleasant
    4. (4) When a person visit a factory full of loud noise          .
      A . he will become deaf B . he will be blind C . he will feel uncomfortable D . he will never mind the noise
