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  • 1. (2022九上·舟山月考) Nancy, William, Mike 和Emily想要在圣诞节到来之际得到一份礼物。请你仔细阅读他们各自的需要,以及下列关于礼物或活动的描述,为他们做出一个合理的选择。

    Nancy likes hiking. Now she is studying in Beijing and she wants to have a special gift like hiking in the summer vacation.

    William likes listening to music, but his MP3 is not big enough to hold all his favourite music. He wants to buy a new and small one.

    Mike is in Beijing now. He loves horse riding and wants to have a chance to learn more in a good club during this summer vacation.

    Emily finds it difficult to sleep because his house is near the road and she often wakes up because of the car sounds. She wishes to get something to cut the noise down when she sleeps.


    For the coming Christmas, I want to have a/an because.
