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更新时间:2023-04-24 浏览次数:37 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. Where does the woman want to go?
    A . A bank. B . A mall. C . A street.
  • 2. How much does the man have to pay for the pair of watches?
    A . $ 144. B . $ 162. C . $ 180.
  • 3. Why did the girl run into the man?
    A . She was much too clumsy. B . She was focusing on her phone. C . She was walking too fast.
  • 4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A . Design of the brochure. B . Hunting in Alaska. C . Plans for vacation.
  • 5. What are the speakers going to do today?
    A . Just stay at home. B . Go to a book fair. C . Enjoy a concert show.
  • 6. 听下段材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why did Miranda move here?
      A . Her relatives live here. B . Her dad is working here. C . Her family like Shanghai.
    2. (2) What do we know about Miranda?
      A . She has never been to China before. B . She has got used to her new life.   C . She is studying in a boarding school.
  • 7. 听下段材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How will the man leave for London?
      A . By train. B . By bus. C . By plane.
    2. (2) What will the man do on Thursday?
      A . Meet Ms. Wang. B . Attend a conference. C . Start a new project.
    3. (3) What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Teacher and student. B . Host and guest. C . Boss and secretary.
  • 8. 听下段材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the radio program for?
      A . Broadcasting latest news. B . Discussing writing skills. C . Introducing college courses.
    2. (2) How can you support what you've stated in your article?
      A . By introducing main ideas. B . By drawing a conclusion. C . By giving details and facts.
    3. (3) What makes an excellent article according to Professor Sheffield?
      A . A personal voice. B . More vivid language. C . A formal style.
  • 9. 听下段材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How many years has the man been smoking?
      A . 18. B . 13. C . 30.
    2. (2) What's the man probably?
      A . An engineer. B . A teacher. C . A writer.
    3. (3) What do we know about the man?
      A . He isn't a heavy smoker actually. B . He hasn't quit smoking successfully. C . He doesn't know the harm of smoking.
    4. (4) How did the woman help her husband quit smoking?
      A . Applying what she read in an article. B . Controlling his life for many years. C . Offering him some specific medicine.
  • 10. 听下段材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the speaker mainly talk about?
      A . An eco-friendly lifestyle. B . Ways to manage a guesthouse (小旅馆). C . Practice of shade planting.
    2. (2) How do the Hoffmans get fresh vegetables for the guests?
      A . By growing in their garden. B . By experimenting in the lab. C . By buying in the market.
    3. (3) Which of the following is right according to the passage?
      A . Tomato plants do not need direct sunshine. B . Plants and tree roots go against each other. C . Irish potatoes grow better in shady environment.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    This is a national chain brand education group. We are currently looking for a headmaster for a primary school in Beijing.


    Be motivated to develop a learning community of both students and their teachers.

    Hold a master's degree and a teaching qualification in primary or middle school.

    Have successful teaching experience within a primary school or middle school setting.

    Experience of Project-Based Learning will be an advantage and preferred.

    Be ready to organize and participate in after-school events that might occasionally include evenings and weekends.

    Key Responsibilities:

    Ensure that best interests of students and their learning sit at the heart of all decision-making.

    Manage and regularly review the use of available resources, including human resources like accepting appropriately qualified staff, so as to improve students' learning and achievements.

    Provide broad and balanced courses that meet relevant requirements and the school's education vision, including the use of PBL (problem-based-learning) alongside more traditional teaching methods for primary courses.

    Monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning as well as standards of achievement.

    Work in partnership with parents/carers, the community, other schools and in particular colleges, businesses to improve and enrich the school and ensure the academic, moral, social and emotional well-being of students.

    Provide regular management information to the Board(董事会) covering the financial, academic and examination performances of the school.

    If you meet the above-mentioned qualifications and are interested in employment, please send us your resumes(简历) and application letter to edu@foreignhr. com before June 1, 2022.

    1. (1) What is the purpose of the passage?
      A . To explain a teaching method. B . To introduce a school. C . To share a personal experience. D . To advertise a position.
    2. (2) Which of the following is Not a must for application?
      A . A diploma and qualifications in teaching. B . Relevant work experience in education. C . Experience of Project-Based Learning. D . Willingness to work after working hours.
    3. (3) What should a qualified headmaster do?
      A . Center on the best interests of the staff. B . Arrange courses based on his education vision. C . Cooperate with related members and groups. D . Keep management information from the Board.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    His interest in Chinese language and characters dates from 1972, when Richard Sears, was a 22-year-old physics major at Portland State University in Oregon. To Sears, the characters were complex with many strokes(笔画) and almost no apparent logic. But when he could get an explanation of a Chinese character's original meaning and an interpretation of its pictographs(象形文字), it would suddenly become apparent how all the strokes had come to be. "I'm a physicist, so I don't like blind memorization. I knew that Chinese characters came from pictographs and I wanted to know the stories behind the Chinese characters. "

    As he studied, Sears found that many of the explanations were conflicting and even the experts were at odds. He decided to computerize the characters, so that he could separate good opinions from bad ones. He scanned about 96, 000 ancient characters and established the database of them.

    In 2002 he got his website up and named it Chinese Etymology, where visitors can check for free the development of Chinese characters in various forms, from the original pictographs to the modern simplified forms. The clicks to the website went up to 600, 000 in one day. Overnight he became American Uncle Hanzi, a nickname(绰号) given by Chinese netizens.

    Besides, he has explained the origin of 15, 000 modern characters. For example, the character jia (home) has a rooftop and a pig underneath. In southern China where it rains a lot, people put their houses on stilts(木桩), so if it flooded, the inside of the house would not get wet. So, the pigs live underneath the house.

    Last year, Sears set up his studio in Nanjing that focuses on applying AR, animation(动画) and artificial intelligence to tell stories of Chinese culture and character origins. He has made over 60 such videos in English with Chinese subtitles for Bilibili, a video website. "They have both entertainment and educational value, " he says.

    In the meantime, Sears has been updating the database. "My philosophy is huo dao lao xue dao lao. "

    1. (1) According to Paragraph 1, why did Sears want to know the stories behind the Chinese characters?
      A . To make his life in China much easier. B . To become an expert at Chinese characters. C . To solve some related problems in physics. D . To memorize Chinese characters more easily.
    2. (2) What does "were at odds" in Paragraph 2 mean?
      A . Held different views. B . Showed no interest. C . Had no doubt at all. D . Were under attack.
    3. (3) What did Sears do to tell the stories behind the Chinese characters?
      A . He established a database for all the ancient Chinese characters. B . He built a website about the development of Chinese characters' forms. C . He illustrated the structures of 15, 000 modern Chinese characters. D . He set up a studio to make videos about the stories of Chinese history.
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . Chinese characters catching the world's wide attention.   B . A Chinese character website established by an American.   C . American Uncle Hanzi devoted to Chinese characters. D . The secret to language learning—long-lasting interest.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Researchers from Singapore said in their new study that in older adults, doing housework was tied to a better memory and attention span, and stronger legs, which helps prevent falls. Shiou-Liang Wee, a researcher said, "Housework is a purposeful activity performed by many older adults and represents a significant share of their self-reported physical activity. " 

    For the study, Wee's team investigated nearly 500 healthy Singaporeans between 21 and 90 years of age. Among younger participants, 36% said they engaged in enough physical activity to meet the goal researchers set as beneficial, as did 48% of older participants. But 61% of younger and 66% of older participants met this target only through housework, the study revealed.

    After taking other types of regular physical activity into consideration, the researchers found that housework was tied with sharper mental abilities and better physical capacity, but only among the older participants. Scores on tests of mental ability were as much as 8% higher among those who did lots of housework, compared with those who did little, Lee's team found.

    And among older participants, balance and the time it took to stand up from sitting, which the investigators used as an indication of physical ability, were better for those who did lots of housework than for those who didn't.

    Dr. Maria Carney, chief of geriatric (老年病的) medicine at Northwell Health, N. Y. , noted that exercise benefits your brain, and housework is exercise that also involves mental activity and requires detailed thought processes to complete. Physical activity increases blood circulation to your muscles and your brain, which helps mental function. Housework can be an important part of your exercise routine. Carney said, "It's a task you've got to plan for. You've got to use devices; you've got to use equipment. There's planning involved, so there's mental exercise along with physical exercise. "

    1. (1) According to Paragraph 1, what do we know about the study?
      A . Older adults benefit from doing housework. B . Older adults doing housework do not fall. C . Doing housework is a rising trend in Singapore. D . Doing housework is older adults' favorite exercise.
    2. (2) Which of the following was considered in the study by the researchers?
      A . Participants' ages, sexes and occupations. B . Goals of physical ability participants set. C . Ways in which participants do housework. D . Types of physical activity participants do.
    3. (3) What are the research findings based on?
      A . Research data. B . Scientific theory. C . Related documents. D . Daily observation.
    4. (4) What is the last paragraph mainly about?
      A . Why tools are used in doing housework. B . How housework works for mental ability. C . What physical activities should be done. D . Who are more suitable to do housework.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    I've just asked Julie Gray, a biologist at the University of Sheffield, which species she thinks would be the last ones standing if we don't take transformative(变革性的) action on climate change. "I don't think it will be humans. I think we'll go quite early on, " says Gray. Humans probably won't be among the survivors, partly because humans produce young extremely slowly and generally just one or two at a time.

    It may seem like just a thought experiment. But discussing which species are able to survive climate change is disturbingly concrete. As a report stated recently, one in four species currently faces extinction, which is closely linked to climate change. While the seriousness of climate change is undeniable, we can make some educated guesses about which species will have a better shot at going far.

    According to Jen Lau, a biologist at University Bloomington, heat tolerant and drought resistant plants, like those found in deserts, are more likely to survive. So are plants whose seeds can be spread over long distances, for example by wind or ocean currents. Plants that can adjust their flowering times may also be better able to deal with higher temperatures.

    We can also look to history as a guide. Cockroaches(蟑螂) adapted to an increasingly dry Australia tens of millions of years ago, by starting to dig holes in soil to hide. Cockroaches also tend to not be picky eaters. Having broad diets means that climate change will be less of a threat to them.

    Furthermore, species called "mobile generalists" by experts can move and adapt to different environments and are more likely to last long in face of climate change. For example, deer in the US are common in suburban areas and manage to live where forests have been removed or are regularly disturbed.

    Certainly, some animals would also survive if they could find a buffer: an area that is relatively protected from climate change's consequences, such as deep sea canyons(峡谷), underground caves.

    1. (1) What does the author probably think of the answer given by Gray?
      A . Ridiculous. B . Unreasonable. C . Upsetting. D . Exciting.
    2. (2) Which of the following can replace the underlined part in Paragraph 2?
      A . Peacefully wait. B . Quickly die out. C . Greatly change. D . Possibly survive.
    3. (3) Which of the following species is likely to survive climate change?
      A . Trees growing in the rainforest and flowering at fixed time every year. B . Animals good at digging holes and not particular about food. C . Creatures mainly living in trees and spending most time sleeping. D . Fishes that do not enjoy deep diving and like to stay in a bay.   
    4. (4) Which of the following is the best title for the text?
      A . How Climate Will Change in the Future B . What Species May Survive Climate Change C . Why Some Species Have Broader Diets D . Where Species Can Hide in Climate Change
  • 15. 任务型阅读

    A few years ago, I was giving a presentation to the CEO of a company. Through the entire meeting time, the CEO sat at the conference table with his arms tightly crossed without a smile. I was sure that he was not satisfied, but later his assistant told me her boss was impressed with my presentation. Suddenly, I realized that, it was his usual behavior. Here are three more: ignoring the context, finding meaning in a single gesture, comparing with a proper culture.

    First, context(语境) is king. The same nonverbal(不用语言的) gestures can take on totally different meanings in different contexts. You can't really make sense of someone's nonverbal message unless you understand the circumstances behind it. For example, if you yawn in a staff meeting because you were up early for an international business call, let people know why you're tired.

    Then, people are constantly trying to evaluate your state of mind by monitoring your body language. But often they will assign meaning to a single nonverbal gesture. Generally speaking, people take more notice of any sign that indicates you're in a bad mood and not to be approached. So, you may be more comfortable standing with your arms folded across your chest, but others judge that single gesture as resistant and unapproachable.

    When I talk about culture, I'm referring to a set of shared values that a group of people hold. More importantly, they are the kind of criteria by which people judge others. We all have cultural biases(偏见) that regard some nonverbal behaviors as normal and right and others as strange or wrong. What's proper and correct in one culture may be ineffective or even rude in another.

    Understanding them, and trying not to make the same ones, will help you display your nonverbal ability.

    A. Such values affect how members of the group think and act.

    B. Nonverbal signals are very common in our daily life.

    C. These are people's most common mistakes when they read your body language.

    D. As with me, when people don't know your usual behavior they can easily jump to the wrong conclusion.

    E. Without this context, you'll look like you're just bored.

    F. If they don't know the context, embarrassment will appear.

    G. This is because the human brain pays more attention to negative messages than it does to positive ones.

  • 16. 完形填空

    Some of you who are reading this may think my situation isn't as bad as it sounds. If that is your conclusion, let me1you otherwise.

    Today, before I left home to accomplish something in town, I2something that had been on my bucket list(愿望清单) like forever. I learned to split(劈叉)! 3, I did not learn in the way that most do. As I came out of the bathroom, I heard my phone ringing. I4towards my room. Suddenly, a little bit of water on the floor made me5: the leg before gave out on me and soon the leg behind gave in to the pressure. There you have it; the perfect way to split!

    Then, I went to a restaurant feeling like a woman in her 80's and I was definitely6like one: I got a seat7to me by a young man at my age as well as many8stares and smiles from others; one kind gentleman asked if I was suffering pain in my9and if I needed help to move around. Certainly, I respectfully10.

    Anyhow, my expertise in the field could easily make me the president of11. I have gone so far to embarrass myself. It won't12to tell you another story.

    Yesterday, my parents had some guests over for a family gathering. Everything went13until mom gave dad the eye meaning 'You tell some stories now'. Much to my despair, but the14of his listeners, he told a story about my childhood!

    In a hurry to get away from all the laughing, I15myself and headed for the kitchen. Instantly, I gave the audience a live example of my many16. Not realizing an object on the floor, I fell head first. All the chat stopped and I quickly17to my feet. As I rushed upstairs towards my room, a guest stopped me and told me to18my dress down! Now I finally knew why I felt19air at the back.

    That's enough. I have given you much to20about. Now, I need somewhere private to lick(舔) my wounds.

    A . warn B . recommend C . convince D . teach
    A . made B . achieved C . devoted D . observed
    A . Sadly B . Fortunately C . Generally D . Hopefully
    A . wandered B . slipped C . threw D . dashed
    A . gain weight B . make sense C . take effect D . lose balance
    A . served B . introduced C . treated D . entertained
    A . offered B . transported C . sent D . lent
    A . rude B . eager C . funny D . sympathetic
    A . feet B . back C . head D . teeth
    A . behaved B . declined C . admitted D . nodded
    A . devotion B . innocence C . clumsiness D . mistakes
    A . hurt B . work C . mind D . help
    A . roughly B . smoothly C . badly D . freely
    A . comfort B . delight C . embarrassment D . shock
    A . hid B . buried C . enjoyed D . excused
    A . hardships B . performances C . adventures D . accidents
    A . stood B . rose C . dropped D . pointed
    A . take B . cut C . pull D . settle
    A . warm B . damp C . cool D . fresh
    A . laugh B . care C . think D . hear
  • 17. 语法填空

    Green Measures Make Games Green

    China has adopted the green and low-carbon concept in many (operate) of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.

    Many venues (场馆) the 2008 Summer Olympics were held are now being reused. And all venues for the Winter Games are (entire) powered by green energy. The transportation system also emphasizes a low-carbon approach, with energy-saving vehicles (account) for about 85% of all the vehicles. For the first time in Olympics history, so many vehicles (fuel) by hydrogen have been used (guarantee) such a large-scale green event in the world. The Winter Olympics Village also shows that the designers are (ambition) to practice the concept of green Olympics. For example, in Yanqing Winter Olympic Village, which serves over 1, 200 athletes and officials from 90 countries and regions, energy consumption can (predict) in advance, and monitored in real time. More that, the flame in the Olympic cauldron (圣火台), lit during opening ceremony of the Winter Games, reflects China's green and low-carbon emphasis in hosting the Games.

    Thanks to the series of low-carbon measures, the Games can surely deserve "Green Games".

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。



    修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



    Hours after a dance performance, some netizens began posting our own videos of copy the show's specific move—bending backward at a 90-degree angle. The program, what aired on Jan 31 during the annual Chinese New Year gala(春晚), was inspired by one of the best-known classical Chinese painting—A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains. It was painted by Wang Ximeng, young artist who lived during the Song Dynasty. The bend was meaning to copy the shape of blue and green mountains in the painting. Netizens soon create a term for the move—"blue-green waist". Though the pose is graceful, but it is skillful and challenging. Experts has warned that without years of training, the move may cause severely injuries.

七、 书面表达
  • 19. 假如你是高中生李华,正在为明天英语课上的"课前三分钟演讲"做准备。你打算结合自己的经历,谈谈对挑战的看法。内容包括:







    Hello, my dear friends. I'm happy to share my opinion about challenges with you.


    That's all. Thank you.

