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更新时间:2023-10-17 浏览次数:33 类型:中考模拟
一、选择填空,A. 从以下各题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分))
二、选择填空,B. 补全对话 根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共 5 小题;每小题 2分,计 10 分)
  • 11.  补全对话 根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。

    A: Hi, Lisa. How was your weekend?

    B. Great, thanks. 


    B: We climbed Longquan Mountains and saw the sun rise. A: Really?

    B: Yeah, it was. We also picked some loquats (枇杷).  

    A: Did you do anything else?

    B: Of course. We visited Danjingtai

    A: Oh. I know this place. So you can fully enjoy the mountains and lakes of the city standing there. 

    B. Exactly. You can't miss it.

    A: OK. I'll go next time.


    A. How interesting!

    B. What did you do?

    C. They were quite delicious. 

    D. It's named "Eye of the City".

    E. It is located at the eastern foot of Longquan Mountains. 

三、完形填空,阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容. 从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共 15 小题;计 20 分。A 篇每小题 2 分,计 10 分;B 篇每小题 1 分,计 10 分)
  • 12.  完形填空

    Zibo city in Shandong province has stormed the Internet from late February for its local BBQ. In March, the small city16   about 4.8 million tourists. 

    Zhou Maosong, president of the Zibo Tourism Promotion Association said the popularity started from the crowd-gathering effect of cultural and tourism activities. Then famous people tasted the BBQ and put their experiences online, which17  a number of students from neighboring cities visiting Zibo. 

    18 , Zibo did not fall into the trap (陷阱) of easy fame that dies fast. A blogger took an electronic scale (称) to ten BBQ stands in Zibo to test if he would be offered less food. It turned out that not a single one was caught short of weight and some owners even offered him local snacks for free. Local people's 19 and friendly behavior touched even more people online and again lifted the city's popularity.

    Zibo's successful story has 20 governments in other parts of the country to find their ways of developing local businesses.

    A .  accepted B .  received C .  discovered
    A .  paid attention to B .  looked up to C .  led to
    A .  Besides B .  However C .  Instead
    A .  active B .  patient C .  honest
    A .  supported B .  inspired C .  forced
  • 13.  完形填空

    I took the train from Kunming to Vientiane. After a few days' stay there, I travelled from Laos' capital city Vientiane to its 1 city Luang Prabang, a group of kids caught my attention. They are from the China-Laos Friendship Nongping Primary School. This school is seen as a2 of friendship between the two countries.

    "Hello!" The students greeted me in Putonghua,3 and clear. According to a volunteer teacher at the school, the students had only studied Chinese for about two months. They4 knew little about China. However, when asked5 they would want to visit China, the students all said "yes" happily.

    Then the students began to practice "I want to take the train to China" in Putonghua. Although their6 was not perfect, they wanted to speak Chinese if necessary. While talking with the teachers, I learned the kids on this train all have7 family backgrounds, with some from really poor families. Asked by "what do8 want to do when growing up", some of them dreamed big. "I want to do logistic ( 物 流 ) work, and help9 people with better solutions," a fourth-grader answered. Seeing the youngest of the group with such a big dream and patriotism (爱国精神), I was10 . This railway not only connects China, but also improves people's lives and local education.

    A .  northern B .  southern C .  eastern
    A .  control B .  symbol C .  hope
    A .  low B .  soft C .  loud
    A .  seldom B .  just C .  usually
    A .  why B .  when C .  whether
    A .  pronunciation B .  spelling C .  reading
    A .  similar B .  different C .  wealthy
    A .  they B .  you C .  I
    A .  local B .  Chinese C .  foreign
    A .  satisfied B .  admired C .  touched
四、阅读理解(共 15 小题;计 30 分)
  • 14.  阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。

    1. (1) The writer felt lonely because she didn't get on with her family and friends.
    2. (2) Ms. Liu thinks it's common for people to experience the feeling of loneliness.
    3. (3) Ms. Liu explains what loneliness is to the writer by using a comparison. 
    4. (4) Jack, the only left-behind child in his class, is likely to have a sense of loneliness. 
    5. (5) From the diary, we can know that the writer feels less lonely after talking to Ms. Liu. 
  • 15.  阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择最佳选项。                                                                  


    According to a survey report, about 65. 6% of the minors (未成年人) watch short videos, while 20% of them said they "always" watch short videos. A meeting focusing on the management of short videos was held on February 22nd, 2023. It promised to create a clear space for short videos and improve the protection for minors.


    Nowadays, life education is very important for teenagers because they are one of the most vulnerable groups in society. To solve this, from 2004, Shenzhen Middle School has had a life education course and held a "Life Education Week" every year. The school once held a "Failure Museum", which encouraged students to face, share and learn from their failures. It is to help students

    develop a positive attitude toward failure. 


    To draw younger visitors, many museums are creating more activities and products for the purpose of spreading Chinese culture. Huang Le, a supporter of museum education, said: "A museum is like a 3D encyclopedia (百科全书). We should always get our kids to be interested in museums and fall in love with learning through them. " Many museums are now producing more creative products and website

    pages. Here are some examples. 


    A group of students in Mexico are keeping fit and learning at the same time. There are bike desks in their classrooms. More than a third of Mexico's population are overweight. A recent study has shown about 8% of kids under 5 are overweight and it rises to almost 19 percent for kids between 5-11 years old. "With these bike desks, we're trying to solve this problem," said the school's headteacher.

    1. (1) Where can we probably read the above four passages?
      A . In an ad. B . In a health magazine. C . On a website.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "vulnerable" probably mean according to the dictionary?

      vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbl/ adj. 

      ① being weak and easily hurt

      ② afraid that something bad might happen

      ③ willing to do things which are difficult, dangerous or painful

      A . B . C .
    3. (3) Why are the numbers given in passage a and d?
      A . To show what they have achieved now. B . To describe how serious the situation is. C . To ask the readers to think about the reasons.
    4. (4) Which of the following can we infer from the passages?
      A . The minors are no longer allowed to watch short videos. B . There will be no overweight students in Mexico because of the bike desks. C . Many museums produce their creative products based on the local culture.
    5. (5) What is the common theme of the four passages?
      A . Better life in the future. B . Efforts for the growth of the young. C . What a big difference teenagers make.
  • 16.  阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择最佳选项。

    The world is always full of surprising things. Everyone expects to see the beautiful eye- pleasing flowers and plants. It is reported that there are about 390,900 plants in the world. The following may not be so eye-pleasing, but are certainly eye-catching. 

    Baseball Plant

    This ball-shaped plant used to be only found in South Africa. It is thought to be endangered in the natural environment, yet it's commonly planted around the world. Luckily, some special gardens have started to grow this plant to make sure that it no longer needs to be got from the wild so that it does not die out.

    African Starfish Flower

    Don't be cheated by its beautiful flowers. It smells like bad meat, and its colors and hairs really look like those from a dead animal. This works wonders for attracting (吸引) insects, even from a great distance. The Zulus, a group of people in Africa who use the plant as medicine. But it's also in danger as the result of less and less living space.

    Bat Flower

    The black bat flower is an unusual flower that grows in the wild of Yunnan province in China. It needs a special environment to grow. This is the reason why it is an endangered plant. It is famous for its bat-shaped black flowers. Its leaves look like the wings of a bat. There's no question how the plant got its name.

    Venus Flytrap

    Venus flytrap can be easily found in many places. It mainly lives on meat. It gets energy from grass in the air and the soil for survival (生存). However, it also eats insects. It opens its mouth wide and the hairs inside try to attract any insect that might land. As soon as it senses an insect, it shuts the mouth and begins to enjoy the food. 

    1. (1) Which of the following can be used for medical purpose?
      A . Baseball Plant. B . African Starfish Flower. C . Bat Flower
    2. (2) We can we learn from the plant in Question 71?
      A . Survival of the fittest. B . Seeing is not believing. C . Less is more.
    3. (3) Look at the notes from three students, which of the following is right?
      A . B . C .
    4. (4) Which of the following questions is answered in the passage?
      A . How does venus flytrap catch its food? B . How many baseball plants have been grown around the world? C . What might the result be if the bat flower continues to be endangered?
    5. (5) What is the best title for this passage?
      A . Let's Save the Endangered Plants! B . Nature Is Full of the Mysterious. C . Amazing Facts of the Plants.
五、补全单词 根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)
六、完成对话(共 10小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)
  • 22.  在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。

    (Li Ming, a 10-year-old boy, is talking with his dad about sports training on a Sunday morning. )

    D-Li Ming's dad L-Li Ming

    L: Morning, dad. What are you busy with?

    D: Morning, son. I'm preparing for the Sunday tennis training. The rackets, the sports shoes, the water…, you know, lots of stuff.

    L: But look, it is raining hard outside, and the wind is  strongly as well! Is it possible for us to take the training course in such bad weather ?

    D: No worries. You know our schedule on Sunday. I have got used to it. Anyway, we're taking practice today, so the wind or rain won't have anything to do with our training. And I don't want to change the plan at will, you know.

    L: I can understand, but I still want to know tennis training is that important to us. 

    D: Son, it's not difficult to understand. Firstly, everybody wants to keep healthy, and we're not . Without sprots, we will become weak easily. Secondly, if we want to be good at something, we have to practice it hard. Never find any excuses to give up easily.

    L: Yeah, I agree. You always tell me to hold on when with difficulties. 

    D: I'm glad you still remember this. I want to set an example for you, and hope you can understand the spirit. One more thing, sports are a good way to help people understand the importance of team work. and cooperation ( 合 作 ) happen when doing sports, you know.

    L: Yeah, I do know if a team want to win, the members have to keep talking to make sure everybody knows the team's goals and encouraging each other. It's important to work hard in sports games.

    D: I'm so happy you understand this. we can benefit ( 获 益 ) a lot from sports training, why not get ready and start out?

    L: Ok, dad. Wait for me a few minutes. I need to prepare something, too. D: No problem. Just hurry up!

七、短文填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)
  • 23.  从下面方框中选出 10 个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。                                 

    able, anything, become, create, discover, himself, make, nature, or, slow, test, work

    SEVEN-YEAR-OLD Ryan, a Chinese-American boy, spends his days in primary school and his evenings as an online celebrity. Ryan is a toy who unboxes new toys and shares his  opinion with millions of his followers on YouTube. Last year, the cute kid made $11 million. 

    Ryan is just one of the young people who that the internet can provide plenty of money-making chances. All needed are a good idea and an internet access(接入). 

    Young Chinese are also being drawn to the internet as a possible job, as an easy way to make lots of money. Recently, a survey of 13,000 Chinese college students found that 54% wanted to become internet celebrities. No doubt they see it as a good choice to spending their lives in small offices, but becoming an online celebrity isn't easy. According to the same survey, 80% of the online celebrities can't make enough money to support , and 15% get an ordinary pay. That means you have to be one of the lucky or talented 5% rich and famous.

    Zhang Kaiyi is one of the 5%. She started posting short videos in 2017 and quickly attracted 4.8 million followers. Zhang says, "It is content(内容) that can create value, and it is also content that can possibly reshape business. " Zhang's advice was to keep your content fun, and positive.

    What's more, they need to be well educated. Most of the online celebrities have at least a college degree. And they are also good at talking to different people, which them to connect with their followers. Such things as eye contact and a good speaking style are necessary. It also helps to have an interesting personality, but that is a gift, not that can be learned.

    Little Ryan was lucky enough to have got all those good qualities. But his online celebrity may fade(消退) as he becomes a teenager and is still playing with kid's toys. Stay in school, Ryan, and get a good education . . . just in case.

八、阅读表达,A. 补全短文(共5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)
  • 24.  根据短文内容,从短文后的 A~F 选项中,选出 5 个适当的选项补全短文。

    Chinese cultures have passed on for thousands of years, and goldfish have been recorded for nearly two thousand years. A report from the Jin Dynasty described "red fish" swimming in the Red River. Goldfish were widely mentioned in the Tang Dynasty poems.

    During the Song Dynasty, a ruler built a pool in Hangzhou to raise goldfish.  However, owning  yellow goldfish was not allowed because that color was thought to be a sign of the king. Common people were forced to raise orange ones, which is probably why that color is more common today. 

    The goldfish bowls allowed more people to keep goldfish and interested people in raising more beautiful kinds such as the "lion head" that could not live outdoors. Goldfish traveled to Japan in 1502, Europe in 1611, and the United States in the early 1,800s.

    Chinese has many homophones(同音异形异义词), and these homophones connect images of objects with special good wishes that sound the same. The Chinese word for "fish" is a homophone of the word for "more", so fish express wishes for "owning more". The goldfish, however, also has the word for "gold", so goldfish images express wishes for "owning more wealth".

     Even in Hong Kong, there is a busy goldfish market to meet the modern requirement of the fish of wealth and good wishes. 


    A. It marked the time when people began to raise them. 

    B. They were collected in the pool by rich people at that time. 

    C. So you see how popular raising goldfish was around the world. 

    D. Goldfish competitions, which began in Beijing during the Ming Dynasty, continue in China. 

    E. Chinese people have expressed good wishes through images(形象) of animals, plants and other objects. 

    F. Until the invention of the goldfish bowl in the Ming Dynasty, goldfish were always seen to live outdoors in pools. 

九、阅读表达,B. 完成图表根据短文内容,完成图表中所缺信息。(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)
  • 25.  完成图表根据短文内容,完成图表中所缺信息。

    Different Attitudes towards Hairstyles

    A new research shows that women try 150 different hairstyles in their lifetime, including different cuts, colors and shapes. However, men settle(固定) on their favorite hairstyle after trying only 5 different cuts. 

    The study of 2,000 women has found that women visit their hairdressers five times a year on average, and about 100 like to try something different with each trip to the hairdresser. Almost half are willing to be experimental and change their hairstyle. 

    Women are likely to go for two new styles and at least one color change every year between the ages of 15 and 65. The study found that 52 percent of women will change their hair simply because they are bored with their present style. Nearly 21 percent will change their hair so as to look like a celebrity while 12 percent will change their style for a wedding. 10 percent of women would change their hairstyle after having a baby. Other reasons for trying a new hairstyle were birthdays. 

    However, men are not as troublesome as women. They only try five different hairstyles and then stick to their favorite one in their lifetime. Men usually stick to just one style because of its being convenient (68 percent) or being liked by their partner (10 percent). 

    The study of 2,000 men also noticed how celebrity hairstyles have the influence on them and what kind of haircuts would be more fashionable in their eyes. 400 of them agree that they want to grow their hair longer to copy the likes of David Beckham and actor Brad Pitt, while 240 consider coloring their hair grey, to keep up with fashion trends(潮流). Actually, a hairstyle that stands for one's personality is the first choice for.

    Different Attitudes towards Hairstyles

    A research result: Women changes their hairstylesmore often than men do. 

    • A bar chart to showwomen visit the hair- dresser and how many of women try new hairstyles. 

    visiting their being willing to trying hairdressers try something something five times a new and change different year on averag each time

    • A pie char to show reasons for women changing their hairstyles. 

    for a birthday

    for looking like a celebrity

    for getting bored

    with the present hairstyle. 

    for a wedding

    forto a baby

    • Men are much simpler. 

    1) They only try five different hairstyles. 

    2) They usually stick to a favorite one for and being liked by their partners. 

    • How celebrities and fashion trends

    men's hairstyles.

    1) Some of them grow their hair longer to look like David Beckham or Brad Pitt. 

    2) Some of them consider coloring their hair to keep up with fashion trends. 

十、书面表达(计 15 分)
  • 26. 在下周班会上,你班将组织题为"Important life skills for teens"的英语演讲活动。假如你是李华,请根据下面的思维导图,用英语写一篇演讲稿,描述青少年应具备哪些重要的生活技能及原因,并选择你亟待提高的一项技能来阐释如何提高这项技能。

    要求:1. 补全图表中空格信息;
    2. 词数 100 左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;
    3. 短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;
    4. 短文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息。

    Good afternoon, my dear classmates. It's my great pleasure to share with you my ideas on important life skills for teens.

