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更新时间:2024-02-23 浏览次数:13 类型:期末考试
一、第一部分,阅读理解,第一节,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Eggs-perimenting with eggs

    What can you do with eggs other than eat them?

    Naked Eggs

    What does an egg look like without its shell? You may be picturing the white and yolk in a bowl after cracking it, but that isn't the only way to remove the shell.

    Materials: an egg, white vinegar, a bowl, a spoon

    Directions: Fill a bowl with one cup of vinegar. Add the egg to the bowl, and wait at least 24 hours. When you check it after a day, you'll notice some bubbles on the egg and a residue(残留物) in the water Use the spoon to gently remove the egg from the bowl. Dump out the old vinegar, and add a cup of fresh vinegar. Return the egg to the bowl, and wait another 24 hours. When you remove the egg this time, the shell should be completely dissolved. What remains will be the contents of the egg.

    Walking on Eggshells

    Can eggs hold the weight of your entire body?

    Materials: six cartons(硬纸盒) of eggs, a garbage bag

    Directions: Place the garbage bag on the floor to make any necessary clean up easier. Place the cartons of apps into two rows of three. Make sure all the eggs are pointing in the same direction either all pointy end up or all rounded end up. Step onto the first carton of eggs carefully. Make sure your foot is as flat as possible and that you are distributing your weight evenly. If you're careful, you will succeed. Eggs are actually incredibly strong. The arch shape at the top and the bottom of the egg allows pressure to be distributed evenly over the egg. If you were to place the eggs on their sides instead, you'd be likely to wind up with a gooey (胶粘的) mess.

    1. (1) In the first experiment, what causes the eggshell to dissolve?
      A . Residue B . Water. C . Bubbles. D . Vinegar.
    2. (2) What makes the eggs strong enough to walk across?
      A . The distribution of eggs. B . The number of eggs. C . The weight of eggs. D . The position of eggs.
    3. (3) What was the author's purpose in writing this text?
      A . To persuade readers to use eggs in new ways. B . To tell readers some ways to experiment with eggs. C . To entertain readers with funny use for eggs. D . To inspire readers to conduct experiments carefully.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    Growing up on a farm, I learned from my parents about the large bees we called mangangava. But in college when I gave a presentation about those bees, I didn't mention their familiar name; instead I used formal terms when describing their adaptations for pollinating(授粉). I was afraid of being judged for expressing my personal knowledge in a science class. But when the instructor pressed me to tell the class whether I'd seen the bees myself and what I called them, my views and my whole career path began to change. I realized my background was valuable, and that my calling was to help educate others like me.

    My parents work ed on a small farm and I often helped out when I was not in school. They had a close relationship with nature, something they learned from my grandparents and passed down to me. This was why I became interested in biology.

    In college, I joined a series of labs to gain research experience, but my interest in pursuing a career as a scientist began to wane after I realized my research was not helping poor people like my parents As a black student from a rural community, I also felt out of place in most classes. The feeling of not belonging circled in my head. I sometimes thought about giving up.

    My instructor's request that I share my knowledge of the mangangava bee changed my view. She saw that tapping into my personal experiences would help me grasp the scientific concepts. No other professor bad shown that kind of sensitivity, which helped me realize I did have a place in higher education and that I didn't need to hide who I truly am.

    I'm now a master's student in education, working on a project that explores the connect ion between science and traditional knowledge. I don't think I'd be here if I hadn't crossed paths with my instructor. We ne ed more educators and scientists like her people who can serve as role models and know that the best way to nurture new scientists is to allow students to be themselves.

    1. (1) What did the author initially think of his background when in college?
      A . It was of little use for his college studies. B . It motivated him to carry on his research. C . It gave him an advantage over others. D . It was something he wanted to hide.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "wane" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A . remain B . advance C . fade D . rise
    3. (3) What should a good educator do according to the author?
      A . Value students' personal knowledge and views. B . Inspire students to work as hard as he or she does. C . Treat students from different backgrounds equally. D . Be equipped with rich knowledge of a certain field.
    4. (4) What is the main idea of this passage?
      A . The family is one of the nature's masterpieces. B . Every man is the architect of his own fortune. C . A good teacher is better than ten thousand books. D . Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Most of us spend our lives surrounded by screens, which offer us convenience as well as connection and an ocean of information. But since it's easy to feel pressured to keep up with every notification, technology may feel more like a burden than a blessing. Thus, the idea of "digital detox" is becoming increasingly inviting.

    The phrase "digital detox" describes getting rid of TV, phones, computers and other forms of technology that control our lives for a period of time. Some experts advocate completely avoiding unnecessary screen time for 30 years. Others suggest using an app that will limit the amount of time one can spend on certain websites. A third option is logging out in evenings or on weekends. Others simply turn their phones off at scheduled times. Some even pay high prices to take vacations in places where they can unplug from their digital routine.

    Why might you want to take a digital detox? Perhaps you find that you are spending longer than you intend on certain apps or that they distract you from more important things. Perhaps social media is depressing because you compare yourself to others or you fear missing out on things that other people are enjoying. Constant negative news can also give rise to a lot of stress.

    Technology can also have physical effects. Many people experience back or neck pain as a result of bending over screens. The blue light coming from most screens can also affect people's sleep by preventing production of melatonin(褪黑素).

    Giving up all screens may not be realistic, but strategic breaks from technology may be good for your body, mind, emotions and relationships. It is high time that you picked a time to turn off your devices and focus on really important things.

    1. (1) Why does the author say "technology may feel more like a burden than a blessing " in paragraph 1?
      A . To confirm a concept. B . To explain a rule. C . To present a problem. D . To make a prediction.
    2. (2) What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about?
      A . Forms of getting rid of "digital detox". B . Suggestions of practicing "digital detox". C . Ways of avoiding screen time completely. D . Options of unplugging all digital routine.
    3. (3) Which could be the reason for one to start "digital detox"?
      A . Pressure from social comparison. B . Fear of missing important things. C . Exposure to false news. D . Apps selection difficulty.
    4. (4) Which section of the website may this article come from?
      A . Entertainment. B . Technology. C . Health. D . Education.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Many of the psychological benefits of outdoor play are already well established. Our brains evolved in natural landscapes, and our perceptual(感知的) systems are particularly well suited to wild outdoor spaces.

    This means that natural scenes provide the perfect level of stimulation, which is thought to help recharge the brain when it is tired and easily distractible. Supporting this theory, one study found that children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) were better able to concentrate following a 20-minute walk in the park, compared to a 20-minute walk on the streets of a well-kept urban area. Being exposed to grass and trees seemed to have had a beneficial effect on their minds. The authors recommended using such "doses(剂量) of nature" as a safe and accessible way of supporting children with ADHD, alongside other tools.

    Besides these restorative effects, outdoor play can offer valuable learning experiences. For example, playing with mud or sand can help children develop the way their senses and movement interact, which allows the child to gradually understand his or her body signals.

    Such activities away from the house or classroom may also help children to find ways to cope with emotions that may be hard to explore in other environments. So-called "sand tray therapy" which involves using sand and clay to express one's thoughts and feelings, is an accepted form of counselling for children who are struggling to verbalize their emotional state.

    When it comes to the child's physical health, the most obvious advantage of outdoor play may be the exercise. A child may find it easier to build up strength and endurance in a large open space resulting in a reduced risk of overweight, according to one study led by Elizabeth Gershoff, professor of human development and family sciences at the University of Texas at Austin, US.

    The latest findings, however, suggest there could be a host of other advantages to playing in natural environments ——and the secret may be alive in the mud itself.

    1. (1) What's the function of the first paragraph?
      A . To present the evolution of our brains. B . To display the natural landscapes. C . To introduce the perceptual systems. D . To reveal the well-established benefits.
    2. (2) How does the study show that natural scenes provide the perfect level of stimulation?
      A . By comparing the restorative effects of walking in different settings. B . By recommending applying some "doses of nature" to children. C . By allowing children to gradually understand their bodies' signals. D . By helping children to find ways to cope with the environment.
    3. (3) Whom is "sand tray therapy" most beneficial to?
      A . Jack, a boy who can't concentrate in the class. B . Mary, a girl who needs to go on a dict. C . Lily, a girl who is lack of endurance. D . Tom, a boy who lives in his own world.
    4. (4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
      A . Playing in the mud is the best outdoor exercise. B . Playing outdoors brings many unexpected benefits. C . Playing outdoors can cure children with ADH D . D. Playing in the mud reduces the risk of overweight.
二、第一部分,阅读理解,第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分 12.5分)
  • 5.  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Your relationship with your mom is supposed to be one of the most special relationships in your life, which makes it much harder when she says something that hurts your feelings   Don't worry. Here are expert recommendations for talking with your mom and taking care of yourself.

    Stay calm. Breathe deeply to control your emotions. It's completely normal to feel your temp er rise if she said something really mean  Take slow, deep breaths to calm yourself It may help to just walk out of the room to get some space.

    Tell your mom that she hurt your feelings. Express yourself so your mom knows that you're hurt. It can be scary to approach your mom and discuss what she said, but it's a big step. Try to use a respectful tone of voice  Make sure you tell her why you're upset and what you'd like to see change

    Develop an optimistic mindset. Take care of your mental well-being by stopping harmful negative talk. If your mom says hurtful things, you might start to believe then unless you change your outlook. If you think something like, "I must be a bad person," stop and tell yourself, "Actually, I'm quite a good person."

    Take a break from the stress and anxiety that comes from interacting with your mom Reach out to friends and loved ones who truly car c about you. Talk to them about your situation and you may get help from them. Knowing you are around those who love you can make you feel much better. 

    A. Take hurtful words to heart.

    B. You may not know how to react to her.

    C. However, don't immediately react or argue.

    D In this way she's more likely to listen to you.

    E. Spend time around emotionally-supportive people.

    F. Admit your fault and make an apology to your mom.

    G Repeat these positive thoughts and eventually, you'll believe them.

三、第二部分,语言知识运用,第一节(共15 小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
  • 6.  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When I was in primary school, my school had an annual sports day Usually, girls were 1 in sports like jump rope and boys did the high jump, which I was anxious to take part in. I went to2 up, but the coach said, "Girls don't do the high jump "

    I went home and 3 Mom of the coach's words She visited the headmaster the next day "Mr White, Linda wants to do the high jump ""Sorry, Mrs Martinez, but it's our 4 that girls can't do it," he said "But Mr White, I have no 5 of any rules saying that "Finding no such rules, Mr White, feeling 6 , said "I have to consider it" at last

    When we got home, Mom told me something I would always 7 : This wasn't just about me Other girls 8 wanted to do this, too A week later, Mom went to Mr White again Finally, he agreed As it turned out, I won the high jump competition To my9 , some of the cheers I got were from boys! My mother was 10 it wasn't about me It was about making people think about and see what girls could do Later, I used this 11 in my career as a building contractor women weren't 12 to construct buildings When I first 13 the business, Mom said, "Go ahead. Start small, but think big." I started with small projects and now my company can handle large ones.

    Those experience s taught me though people wouldn't always 14  us, we should be brave to jump over 15  and take paths few girls and women would take And this has really made a difference.

    A .  interested B .  skilled C .  involved D .  gifted
    A .  build B .  sign C .  make D .  fix
    A .  reminded B .  warned C .  convinced D .  informed
    A .  compromise B .  conclusion C .  convention D .  criterion
    A .  opinion B .  sense C .  intention D .  knowledge
    A .  concerned B .  embarrassed C .  discouraged D .  annoyed
    A .  consider B .  undertake C .  remember D .  seek
    A .  accidentally B .  probably C .  obviously D .  rarely
    A .  surprise B .  delight C .  relief D .  satisfaction
    A .  right B .  wrong C .  certain D realistic
    A .  rule B .  lesson C .  truth D .  remark
    A .  supposed B .  qualified C .  demanded D .  designed
    A .  made way for B .  kept track of C .  threw light on D .  set foot in
    A .  accept B .  mind C .  help D .  need
    A .  poles B .  boundaries C .  platforms D .  fences
四、第二部分,语言知识运用,第二节(共10 小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
  • 7.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Zibo city in Shandong province has gone viral on Chinese social media since late February for its local barbecue specialty Then, the local government takes the opportunity  (promote) tourism and spending.

    On March 31, the Jinan Bureau of China Railway (add) a weekend special round、trip "barbecue tour" train between Jinan and Zibo attest promotion gives visitors a free (admit) to 10 scenic spots in the city with their train tickets as long as their final destination is Zibo.

    Barbecue is popular in China,  Zibo's barbecue differs in three ways it's made on a stove, and is served with flatbread(小饼) and dressings(蘸料). The skewers(烤串) are 70-80 percent cooked before being brought to the table, on  diners can finish cooking them on their own stoves,  (lead) to a sense of participation Diners are served flatbread and other dressings at the table so they are able to assemble their own barbecue parcels, in much the same way Peking duck is eaten.

    The barbecue  (unexpected) went viral after a group of college students shot videos of themselves enjoying a meal and posted them on social media February Since then, many people, mostly the young, (attract) to the city from all over the country to try the dish.

五、第三部分,写作,第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
  • 8. 假定你是李华,你和你的外国朋友Caroline约好了周六一起参加市里举办的"中国航天展", 但因故不能赴约。请给她写对邮件,内容包括:1表示歉意;2.解释原因;3.你的期待。

    注意:1. 写作词数应为 80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Dear Caroline;


     Sincerely yours.

    Li Hua

  • 9.  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。注意:1. 续写词数应为 150左右;2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

    Mike took the last bite of the chocolate ice cream and jumped into the car with his parents. They headed off to the Olympic sized pool for the big swim competition.

    When his race came up, Mike was confident. He was strong and swift and won first place, making him the fastest boy in his age group.

    One day, his mother sat down at the table with him and said, "Mike, we know you love ice cream, but maybe it's not health y for your body to eat so much of it. Your father and I think it is making you gain weight. Is it OK for us to quit the sweet treats for a while, especially before you go for the final competition? In order to strengthen your muscles, your father will go running with you three days a week. We think it will help you feel better."

    注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Mike unwillingly agreed.


    Finally the big competition of the season came.

